After 3 years, 5 months and 640 posts... is closing up shop! Please head over to our NEW & IMPROVED blog ...!!!!
I am super excited about all the updates to the new blog. Check it out, have a look around & get ready to share this exciting journey from a family of three to a family of four with us.
(See, bedrest was a blessing in disguise. I got to teach myself all kinds of new blogging tricks.)
Three Schneiders
(...and counting!)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
2010 in Review
The transition from 2010 to 2011 hasn't been an easy one for me. 2010 was such a "full" year! We lived through some of the best and worst days of our lives in 2010. I like the symbolism of turning over a new leaf in the new year, but also have a hard time letting go of the full weight of 2010.
Here's a look back at 2010 for the Schneiders - the highs and lows, the big moments & some little ones. Overall, it's a pretty good overview of why 2010 was one of the most challenging years of our lives!!
JANUARY: We found out we were pregnant (after a year of trying).
FEBRUARY: We announced the pregnancy to the Austins (who were pregnant with Jack) at the Penguin breakfast at the Newport Aquarium. I turned 33. Josie was still with her nanny Carissa and Lou & I began the hunt for a Montessori pre-school for Josie to begin in the fall. I was very sick with the first trimester and developed Hyperemesis. I lost 6 pounds in one week and fainted from exhaustion. I began medication and acupuncture to stop from vomiting. It helped.At the end of the month, we found out the baby was measuring small. The doctors tried to reassure me, but I knew something wasn't right.In other news, Josie had her first real day playing in the snow and built her first snowman with Lou. Josie hit the two-and-a-half mark!
MARCH: The first week of March we heard our baby's heartbeat. A week later we returned to find that we had lost her. I had a D&C on March 9th. We said goodbye to sweet Camille and to the promise of having a second child. In happy news, we found out Josie had been accepted into Xavier Montessori and couldn't believe our good fortune!
APRIL: We finally sold our condo after well over a year of trying! We continued to grieve and to heal. The outlook was positive, with many changes in store over the next few months. We found our dream home and crossed our fingers that the short sale would go through.
MAY: We took a vacation to St. Thomas and a trip to Madison, Wisconsin for our dear friend Molly's wedding (while Josie spent the weekend in Chicago) and now look back on both as pivotal moments in time. A lot changed in May. It was a real turning point for us and marked the acceptance of the pain of the last several months and the desire to approach the rest of the year with a renewed sense of positivity and purpose. We came to peace with the fact that we would never have another child and shifted our thinking to being a solid family of three. We practiced gratitude for what we had instead of longing for what we thought we still needed to be happy.
JUNE: We closed on our new house and began moving the first week of June. We found this beautiful perfect nest in the front yard in some branches that had been cut down and considered it a good omen. Miraculously and totally by surprise, we found out we were pregnant again at the end of June. We spent the bulk of the month unpacking and trying to get settled in our new home - and nervously waited to see how the pregnancy would unfold.
JULY: The Austins & the Johnsons came to visit for Fourth of July weekend. We cautiously shared the news. July was spent getting to know our new neighborhood, enjoying the first summer with a yard in a long time and planning for the fall. I was very sick again, but found relief from taking medication.
AUGUST: Josie turned THREE! I hit the landmark end of the first trimester, and we announced to the world that we were pregnant! Tia gave birth to baby Jack just days after I found out I had a bloodclot in the placenta that threatened the continuation of the pregnancy. It was very hard news to take, since we had finally made it to twelve weeks and thought we were out of the woods. With rest, the bloodclot resolved itself within a week. She began pre-school at Xavier Montessori on August 27th. She took to it like a fish to water!
SEPTEMBER: My hours at work continued to climb as they had over the summer, with full-time status coming in September - on top of teaching two classes at UC. I began working between 50-70 hours a week. It was very hard on all of us. Things started to officially look up regarding the pregnancy. Tests were coming back normal and we found out we were having a baby GIRL! We closed the door on our first summer in our new home.
OCTOBER: Lou celebrated birthday #34. We traveled to Chicago for Lyla's 2nd birthday and all went to the Elizabeth Mitchell concert - it was a very special family afternoon that none of us will ever forget! She played "Three Little Birds" and we all sang along. I cried at the thought of everything that song means to us, the three babies we've lost and the promise of being pregnant again. Work continued to be very demanding and burning the candle from both ends finally caught up with me in October when I was put on modified bedrest just before Halloween due to an incompetent cervix. Halloween in our new neighborhood was an absolute blast!
NOVEMBER: I scaled back my hours at work and UC got coverage for me for my two classes so I could have a couple of weeks off to recuperate. In the middle of November, the world lost an amazing friend and mother when Lori Morris was tragically killed. It was a devastating reminder and helped us gain some perspective about what really matters most. We hosted our first full-family Thanksgiving, and Lou did the lion's share of the work. I had weekly appointments and ultrasounds and was told at the end of November that I would need to continue on modified bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy.
DECEMBER: We had our first real snow days in the yard! Carissa stayed with us for two weeks and helped out immensely, then moved back to New York since she graduated. It was a very hard day for all of us. I worked harder on anything that I've ever had to work on (besides my dissertation) to meet a work deadline on an important project for the Governor's office that I had to have done before Josie's winter break from school. I rallied and got it completed, which was a darn good thing considering that I was placed on full bedrest and told I could not return to work after showing signs for preterm labor over the holidays. We spent the winter break having a wonderful Christmas here & in Xenia and trying to wrap our heads around what full bedrest means for the family. We started to put together a plan, ask for help, make some changes and rang in the new year quietly from the couch.
Seeing it all in one place, I can't imagine what I would've felt if someone would've told me the first week of January of 2010 everything that would happen between that moment and the first week of January 2011. It all makes looking ahead to another year seem miraculous, overwhelming & encouraging.
If I had to find two words to describe 2010, they would be "transition" and "acceptance." If I could place an order for 2011, I hope the key words are "gratitude" and "peace."
Here's a look back at 2010 for the Schneiders - the highs and lows, the big moments & some little ones. Overall, it's a pretty good overview of why 2010 was one of the most challenging years of our lives!!
JANUARY: We found out we were pregnant (after a year of trying).
FEBRUARY: We announced the pregnancy to the Austins (who were pregnant with Jack) at the Penguin breakfast at the Newport Aquarium. I turned 33. Josie was still with her nanny Carissa and Lou & I began the hunt for a Montessori pre-school for Josie to begin in the fall. I was very sick with the first trimester and developed Hyperemesis. I lost 6 pounds in one week and fainted from exhaustion. I began medication and acupuncture to stop from vomiting. It helped.At the end of the month, we found out the baby was measuring small. The doctors tried to reassure me, but I knew something wasn't right.In other news, Josie had her first real day playing in the snow and built her first snowman with Lou. Josie hit the two-and-a-half mark!
MARCH: The first week of March we heard our baby's heartbeat. A week later we returned to find that we had lost her. I had a D&C on March 9th. We said goodbye to sweet Camille and to the promise of having a second child. In happy news, we found out Josie had been accepted into Xavier Montessori and couldn't believe our good fortune!
APRIL: We finally sold our condo after well over a year of trying! We continued to grieve and to heal. The outlook was positive, with many changes in store over the next few months. We found our dream home and crossed our fingers that the short sale would go through.
MAY: We took a vacation to St. Thomas and a trip to Madison, Wisconsin for our dear friend Molly's wedding (while Josie spent the weekend in Chicago) and now look back on both as pivotal moments in time. A lot changed in May. It was a real turning point for us and marked the acceptance of the pain of the last several months and the desire to approach the rest of the year with a renewed sense of positivity and purpose. We came to peace with the fact that we would never have another child and shifted our thinking to being a solid family of three. We practiced gratitude for what we had instead of longing for what we thought we still needed to be happy.
JUNE: We closed on our new house and began moving the first week of June. We found this beautiful perfect nest in the front yard in some branches that had been cut down and considered it a good omen. Miraculously and totally by surprise, we found out we were pregnant again at the end of June. We spent the bulk of the month unpacking and trying to get settled in our new home - and nervously waited to see how the pregnancy would unfold.
JULY: The Austins & the Johnsons came to visit for Fourth of July weekend. We cautiously shared the news. July was spent getting to know our new neighborhood, enjoying the first summer with a yard in a long time and planning for the fall. I was very sick again, but found relief from taking medication.
AUGUST: Josie turned THREE! I hit the landmark end of the first trimester, and we announced to the world that we were pregnant! Tia gave birth to baby Jack just days after I found out I had a bloodclot in the placenta that threatened the continuation of the pregnancy. It was very hard news to take, since we had finally made it to twelve weeks and thought we were out of the woods. With rest, the bloodclot resolved itself within a week. She began pre-school at Xavier Montessori on August 27th. She took to it like a fish to water!
SEPTEMBER: My hours at work continued to climb as they had over the summer, with full-time status coming in September - on top of teaching two classes at UC. I began working between 50-70 hours a week. It was very hard on all of us. Things started to officially look up regarding the pregnancy. Tests were coming back normal and we found out we were having a baby GIRL! We closed the door on our first summer in our new home.
OCTOBER: Lou celebrated birthday #34. We traveled to Chicago for Lyla's 2nd birthday and all went to the Elizabeth Mitchell concert - it was a very special family afternoon that none of us will ever forget! She played "Three Little Birds" and we all sang along. I cried at the thought of everything that song means to us, the three babies we've lost and the promise of being pregnant again. Work continued to be very demanding and burning the candle from both ends finally caught up with me in October when I was put on modified bedrest just before Halloween due to an incompetent cervix. Halloween in our new neighborhood was an absolute blast!
NOVEMBER: I scaled back my hours at work and UC got coverage for me for my two classes so I could have a couple of weeks off to recuperate. In the middle of November, the world lost an amazing friend and mother when Lori Morris was tragically killed. It was a devastating reminder and helped us gain some perspective about what really matters most. We hosted our first full-family Thanksgiving, and Lou did the lion's share of the work. I had weekly appointments and ultrasounds and was told at the end of November that I would need to continue on modified bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy.
DECEMBER: We had our first real snow days in the yard! Carissa stayed with us for two weeks and helped out immensely, then moved back to New York since she graduated. It was a very hard day for all of us. I worked harder on anything that I've ever had to work on (besides my dissertation) to meet a work deadline on an important project for the Governor's office that I had to have done before Josie's winter break from school. I rallied and got it completed, which was a darn good thing considering that I was placed on full bedrest and told I could not return to work after showing signs for preterm labor over the holidays. We spent the winter break having a wonderful Christmas here & in Xenia and trying to wrap our heads around what full bedrest means for the family. We started to put together a plan, ask for help, make some changes and rang in the new year quietly from the couch.
Seeing it all in one place, I can't imagine what I would've felt if someone would've told me the first week of January of 2010 everything that would happen between that moment and the first week of January 2011. It all makes looking ahead to another year seem miraculous, overwhelming & encouraging.
If I had to find two words to describe 2010, they would be "transition" and "acceptance." If I could place an order for 2011, I hope the key words are "gratitude" and "peace."
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Quick Quotes & a Free Geography Lesson
Josie, singing to herself: "North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Don't forget Australia, Don't forget Pennsylvania...These are the seven continents of the planet Earth."
We were driving the other day and Lou and I were talking about some things he needed to get at Target. Josie, interrupting but politely: "Hey guys...speaking of Target...when you're there I probably need a new toy." (She sounded every bit of 13 and not 3 which made us both crack up!)
We were driving the other day and Lou and I were talking about some things he needed to get at Target. Josie, interrupting but politely: "Hey guys...speaking of Target...when you're there I probably need a new toy." (She sounded every bit of 13 and not 3 which made us both crack up!)
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End of an Era
This first photo is of Carissa holding Josie when she was just over 6 months old. Next to that is the photo of Carissa and Josie on the morning in December when she left to move back to New York - about 3 years later.
Luckily Josie has no clue just how far away New York is, although she did reveal to Carissa and I the night before she left that she was feeling "very frightened" about Carissa leaving. There is certainly a lot of love between these two which is more than obvious in these pictures and so many others taken over the years.
Here's the last hug before she left, which I think pretty much says it all.
It shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you that know us that I've been dragging my feet on this post, simply because it's still kind of hard to write about. After three years as Josie's nanny, Carissa is no longer just a few minutes away and it is truly the end of an era.
(...and here come the tears...)
There aren't words to describe how invaluable she's been to us since she started as Josie's nanny. We all laugh about that first meeting at Starbucks when we think about how little we all knew at that moment. Carissa was nervous about being interviewed but we were ten times as nervous about interviewing her. We had no clue what we were looking for or how to go about finding it. We certainly didn't think we were meeting someone who would spend the next three years deeply involved in our lives (and all the highs, lows & craziness that goes with that) and forever be a part of our family. It was an unbelievable blessing to have her in our lives for so long and she will always have a home here in Cincinnati.
With that, here are the photos from our "Sisis Christmas" before she left. It's no surprise that she knows Josie perfectly & got her gifts that made her so super happy. And we love that she'll always remember that her first Barbie came from Carissa.
Luckily Josie has no clue just how far away New York is, although she did reveal to Carissa and I the night before she left that she was feeling "very frightened" about Carissa leaving. There is certainly a lot of love between these two which is more than obvious in these pictures and so many others taken over the years.
Here's the last hug before she left, which I think pretty much says it all.
Thanks for everything Carissa.
We love you so meech! ;)
See you soon???
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Forgot to mention...
As many of you know, I write for "This Generation" online magazine. Last month I wrote the piece that I am most proud of & I wanted to share it with all of you.
December 2010: "My Kind of Neighborhood"
I hope you like it.
December 2010: "My Kind of Neighborhood"
I hope you like it.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Bits & Pieces from 2010
As we wrap up the blog for 2010, here are some photos and videos that never made it off of my hard drive and onto the blog...until now. Enjoy!
If you know much about us, you know Josie has had massive sleep issues straight out of the gate (which all started with reflux and not being able to sleep on her back but I digress). Add to this that we are not and never will be advocates for "Cry It Out" methods or really any form of regimented sleep training (and here's why in case you think we're nuts) and it has come to be just a part of life as one of the Three Schneiders to never ever get an uninterrupted night of sleep. Just recently, in the last couple of months, things have finally started to get better. She still doesn't sleep through the night, but now she usually only wakes up once and frequently makes it to 2-3am before she wants to come to our bed or have one of us sleep with her. There have even been a few moments, like this one pictured below, when we were actually ready to get up before her! This picture was kind of a big deal because it was probably the third or fourth time in her whole life that we actually had to wake her up in the morning. Is there anything more precious than a sleeping child (besides a child that never sleeps)?!
Here is Josie playing with my Droid phone. It's hilarious how proficient she is (and other kids in her generation are) with technology. This picture is funny because I took it of Josie as I was writing the part of the Governor's report focused on the possibilities of mobile learning. I used it in a powerpoint presentation that made it in front of state leaders. :)
This is another great reminder of Josie's generous spirit. She loves making necklaces for her little friends. One morning she decided she wanted to make a necklace for me. Lou brought down the materials to work together on the necklace. Here is the wrapping paper where she wrote "Mommy" and the necklace is in the background. It's the sweetest thing ever. It says exactly what she wanted it to say - "Mommy Love You Too."
This is from a trip to the Aquarium one morning before I was put on bedrest. Josie had been working on a "fish book" off and on for weeks and wanted to take it to the Aquarium to show to the fish. Here she is holding up one of the pages in front of the tank. She was so excited!
Josie loves reading to herself, to us & to her dolls. Here is she reading the Frosty Book to "Moeey Louie."
Thank goodness the changes we've made around here have already warmed up the house. You know it's cold when even the cat sleeps with her face buried in the covers!
Oh these are so out of order, but oh well. Here's Josie the day we got home from Christmas in Xenia. She wanted to wear all of her new hairclips at once. She totally looks like Bjork.
This was our last day at Owls Nest Park in 2010. It was one of the unseasonably warm days before winter really set in.
Here's Josie feeling quite proud of her "tattoo" from Makayla's birthday party.
I painted Josie's fingernails with glitter polish as a special treat one day after Christmas. You can't really see her nails in the photo, but you can see just how happy she was with herself! (When did my little girl get so grown-up?!)
Here are some photos that Josie's teachers sent me from her school (the best little school ever if I do say so myself).
Working with one of her montessori work mats:
Pattern bears:
Sewing: (She made three scarves all by herself during the final weeks of December. Her teacher said that she literally spent hours focused on the projects and didn't want to do anything else until she was finished. Since she was very young, she's shown this kind of focused intensity if she's really into something. It's a trait in Miss Josie that we've really come to appreciate and admire!)
And here's the result of that montessori day over break we heard her messing around in the kitchen. Here's how I found her - up on a stool, preparing her own snack of cheese and crackers. She got everything by herself - the knife, the cutting board, the food, the plate, etc. It's no coincidence that her favorite work station at school is "Food Prep." So if the "Project Runway" fashion design career doesn't work out despite her awesome sewing skills, she'll always have "Top Chef" to fall back on. :)
Last but not least, I'll leave you with a video from 2010 that never made it to the blog.
You might recognize this song from several other videos over the past three years. Josie has been dancing with Lou to this song since the week she came home from the hospital. One of these days I'll put together a montage of all the clips. In the meantime, here's Josie & Lou getting down to Old Crow Medicine Show a few months back.
Well, I think that's it as far as bits and pieces of 2010 go. I'm putting together a review of all of the defining moments of 2010 that I'll likely post tomorrow. And I also have a few surprises up my sleeve for later this week. Stay tuned...
If you know much about us, you know Josie has had massive sleep issues straight out of the gate (which all started with reflux and not being able to sleep on her back but I digress). Add to this that we are not and never will be advocates for "Cry It Out" methods or really any form of regimented sleep training (and here's why in case you think we're nuts) and it has come to be just a part of life as one of the Three Schneiders to never ever get an uninterrupted night of sleep. Just recently, in the last couple of months, things have finally started to get better. She still doesn't sleep through the night, but now she usually only wakes up once and frequently makes it to 2-3am before she wants to come to our bed or have one of us sleep with her. There have even been a few moments, like this one pictured below, when we were actually ready to get up before her! This picture was kind of a big deal because it was probably the third or fourth time in her whole life that we actually had to wake her up in the morning. Is there anything more precious than a sleeping child (besides a child that never sleeps)?!
Here is Josie playing with my Droid phone. It's hilarious how proficient she is (and other kids in her generation are) with technology. This picture is funny because I took it of Josie as I was writing the part of the Governor's report focused on the possibilities of mobile learning. I used it in a powerpoint presentation that made it in front of state leaders. :)
This is another great reminder of Josie's generous spirit. She loves making necklaces for her little friends. One morning she decided she wanted to make a necklace for me. Lou brought down the materials to work together on the necklace. Here is the wrapping paper where she wrote "Mommy" and the necklace is in the background. It's the sweetest thing ever. It says exactly what she wanted it to say - "Mommy Love You Too."
This is from a trip to the Aquarium one morning before I was put on bedrest. Josie had been working on a "fish book" off and on for weeks and wanted to take it to the Aquarium to show to the fish. Here she is holding up one of the pages in front of the tank. She was so excited!
Josie loves reading to herself, to us & to her dolls. Here is she reading the Frosty Book to "Moeey Louie."
Thank goodness the changes we've made around here have already warmed up the house. You know it's cold when even the cat sleeps with her face buried in the covers!
Oh these are so out of order, but oh well. Here's Josie the day we got home from Christmas in Xenia. She wanted to wear all of her new hairclips at once. She totally looks like Bjork.
This was our last day at Owls Nest Park in 2010. It was one of the unseasonably warm days before winter really set in.
Here's Josie feeling quite proud of her "tattoo" from Makayla's birthday party.
The realities of the last year have prevented us from getting Josie signed up for ballet class, but the good news is that she's going to be starting pretty soon. One of our favorite things to do around here is to put on dance clothes, find the classical music station on the TV and move to the music. A friend of ours that Lou works with handed down some of her daughter's old ballet clothes & Josie was SO excited! She loves prancing around in time to the music. Here's one of her trademark moves. (I cannot wait until she actually starts class!)
Here's Josie's most recent haircut. The weekly dreadlock battles finally came to an end when she agreed to have five inches taken off. SOOOO glad she finally reached this decision, because it's made life a lot easier around here. And it's darn cute!I painted Josie's fingernails with glitter polish as a special treat one day after Christmas. You can't really see her nails in the photo, but you can see just how happy she was with herself! (When did my little girl get so grown-up?!)
Here are some photos that Josie's teachers sent me from her school (the best little school ever if I do say so myself).
Working with one of her montessori work mats:
Pattern bears:
Sewing: (She made three scarves all by herself during the final weeks of December. Her teacher said that she literally spent hours focused on the projects and didn't want to do anything else until she was finished. Since she was very young, she's shown this kind of focused intensity if she's really into something. It's a trait in Miss Josie that we've really come to appreciate and admire!)
And here's the result of that montessori day over break we heard her messing around in the kitchen. Here's how I found her - up on a stool, preparing her own snack of cheese and crackers. She got everything by herself - the knife, the cutting board, the food, the plate, etc. It's no coincidence that her favorite work station at school is "Food Prep." So if the "Project Runway" fashion design career doesn't work out despite her awesome sewing skills, she'll always have "Top Chef" to fall back on. :)
Last but not least, I'll leave you with a video from 2010 that never made it to the blog.
You might recognize this song from several other videos over the past three years. Josie has been dancing with Lou to this song since the week she came home from the hospital. One of these days I'll put together a montage of all the clips. In the meantime, here's Josie & Lou getting down to Old Crow Medicine Show a few months back.
Well, I think that's it as far as bits and pieces of 2010 go. I'm putting together a review of all of the defining moments of 2010 that I'll likely post tomorrow. And I also have a few surprises up my sleeve for later this week. Stay tuned...
Holly, Jolly Christmas in Xtown
We drove to Xenia on Christmas Eve & pretty much stayed there for the next five days. Christmas Morning was a blast and actually spilled over into the afternoon because there were so many presents. And really, we just spent the next several days hanging out, laughing at the girls, playing with new toys, watching Christmas specials on TV and dancing to Frosty the Snowman. Oh and there was also sledding, drinking "bingo coffee," eating our weight in green bean casserole & chocolate pie, playing in the snow and a long-overdue Photography 101 class from DD. Here are some of my favorite pictures out of the more-than-I-can-count total:
SLEDDING, at Shawnee Park - which just makes me smile because it's exactly where my sister & I used to go sledding. DD even found our old sled. (I couldn't go - dang bedrest - but thankfully Tia took some awesome pictures so we can all re-live it together.)
Go DD Go!
Love the facial expressions in these two!
Not only is this an adorable picture of Lyla & Tia, but check out the action in the background. Looks like Josie had her first snowy face-plant (but apparently recovered just fine).
Two tired girls getting a ride home from Tio -
...until it was time for the special Christmas Eve jammies (Thanks Tia) to continue a Johnson holiday tradition.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds...
Here are some scenes from Christmas Morning. Enjoy!
Even the girls didn't know where to start...
Santa brought Josie "Starbirds" and boy was she thrilled...
Checking for names...
Working hard on unwrapping...
Really excited about her Marble Run Racetrack...
Don't look so guilty Josie, it's Christmas - a cookie for breakfast is perfectly acceptable...
A big thank-you hug & smooch for DD. The girls loved their Zoobie "pillow pets"!
Excuse the not-so-great picture of Josie but I wanted some evidence I was actually there on Christmas morning...
New apron for Grandma...
Josie & Lyla in their new art smocks...
Getting in the first new teddy bear hug...
A Snoopy Snow Cone (which has lots of meaning for the Johnson family)...
And turns out it's just as hard to grind the ice as it was 25 years ago (but so worth it) -
My favorite -
Lou & Jack (Sidebar: Lou has been SOOO ready for a new baby for so long now. He adores babies & it makes me absolutely giddy to see scenes like this one!)
Those silly (and adorable) Austins...
Hanging out on Christmas Day - Most of us never got out of our pajamas (and a certain blogger never even brushed her teeth) but the kids sure looked adorable...and spent most of the day dancing and giggling!
And in case you didn't gather from those pictures that it was one dance party after another, here's a video to see the girls in action. This one is dedicated to Tio. We wanted to make sure there was a recording of Frosty's song so he could play it every day between now and next Christmas.
Here are some photos from the rest of the weekend.
I should mention it wasn't all fun & games with Josie, Lyla & Frosty. There was a little jealousy there from time to time - as is obvious from the look on Josie's face here. (But all-in-all both girls should be commended overall. There were definitely times when we all had to remember they are just 2 and 3.)
Josie loves Jack & talks about him all the time. She is going to be the best big sister ever!!!
...and a snack...
And all 3 of them on one picture together!
Our last night together - one last time on the DD swing for each girl before bed...
And we'll end with two little monkeys jumping on the bed... (and pretend like that last tear-filled morning together never happened)....
So, Christmas 2010 - That's a wrap!!!! (I could lay awake all night dreaming up the visions for Christmas 2011...)
SLEDDING, at Shawnee Park - which just makes me smile because it's exactly where my sister & I used to go sledding. DD even found our old sled. (I couldn't go - dang bedrest - but thankfully Tia took some awesome pictures so we can all re-live it together.)
Go DD Go!
Love the facial expressions in these two!
Not only is this an adorable picture of Lyla & Tia, but check out the action in the background. Looks like Josie had her first snowy face-plant (but apparently recovered just fine).
Two tired girls getting a ride home from Tio -
Later, back at the house, it was all fun & games...
The children were nestled all snug in their beds...
Here are some scenes from Christmas Morning. Enjoy!
Even the girls didn't know where to start...
Santa brought Josie "Starbirds" and boy was she thrilled...
Checking for names...
Working hard on unwrapping...
Really excited about her Marble Run Racetrack...
Don't look so guilty Josie, it's Christmas - a cookie for breakfast is perfectly acceptable...
A big thank-you hug & smooch for DD. The girls loved their Zoobie "pillow pets"!
Excuse the not-so-great picture of Josie but I wanted some evidence I was actually there on Christmas morning...
New apron for Grandma...
Josie & Lyla in their new art smocks...
Getting in the first new teddy bear hug...
A Snoopy Snow Cone (which has lots of meaning for the Johnson family)...
And turns out it's just as hard to grind the ice as it was 25 years ago (but so worth it) -
My favorite -
Lou & Jack (Sidebar: Lou has been SOOO ready for a new baby for so long now. He adores babies & it makes me absolutely giddy to see scenes like this one!)
Those silly (and adorable) Austins...
Hanging out on Christmas Day - Most of us never got out of our pajamas (and a certain blogger never even brushed her teeth) but the kids sure looked adorable...and spent most of the day dancing and giggling!
And in case you didn't gather from those pictures that it was one dance party after another, here's a video to see the girls in action. This one is dedicated to Tio. We wanted to make sure there was a recording of Frosty's song so he could play it every day between now and next Christmas.
Here are some photos from the rest of the weekend.
I should mention it wasn't all fun & games with Josie, Lyla & Frosty. There was a little jealousy there from time to time - as is obvious from the look on Josie's face here. (But all-in-all both girls should be commended overall. There were definitely times when we all had to remember they are just 2 and 3.)
Josie loves Jack & talks about him all the time. She is going to be the best big sister ever!!!
...and a snack...
And all 3 of them on one picture together!
Our last night together - one last time on the DD swing for each girl before bed...
And we'll end with two little monkeys jumping on the bed... (and pretend like that last tear-filled morning together never happened)....
So, Christmas 2010 - That's a wrap!!!! (I could lay awake all night dreaming up the visions for Christmas 2011...)
I hope your holiday season was just as merry and bright!!!
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