Now that Josephine is talking non-stop, we thought it would be fun to share some Josie-quotes with you. Here are a few to start your week and I promise to get some video of her chatting away soon...
Josie to Lou when we dropped him off at work... "BYE HONEY, HAVE FUN."
Josie to me when I put on her pink sneakers... "PINK SHOES OFF, JELLY SHOES ON!"
Josie to Carissa mid-morning... "SIS-SIS, SNACK...CHIPS...DELICIOUS!"
Josie to me when I gave her the remainder of the full set of "tiny horses" to match the one she lifted from Target a few weeks ago... "WON'T BELIEVE IT...SHOW GRANDMA...SHOW DD...TINY HORSES!"
Josie when she sees a cellphone or camera... "PICTURE JOSIE, PICTURE JOSIE."
I'll post more as they come to me. :)