- She slept through the night last night. We put her to bed at 8; she woke up once at 10, but was quickly back to sleep after a visit from dad; and she didn't make another peep until 6am. That's right - 10 hours!!! Then, she ate and went back to sleep until 9:30. WOW! (In an unfortunate twist of fate, I couldn't sleep last night Josie gave me her nasty cold, but I'm hoping this was just the first of many "sleep through the night" nights.)
- This morning, Josie also sat unassisted (albeit only for a few seconds) - all by herself. She has also begun "tripod sitting" (using her hands as a "stand" between her legs to support herself). It really is hard to believe how strong she has gotten.
- In other exciting Josie news, she rolled from her back to her belly today. She's been working on it for awhile and today was the big day. Unfortunately I did not capture this first roll on film (even worse, I totally could've gotten it but was too busy trying to get some work done to stop and grab the camcorder). I did manage to capture this photo of her completely passing out in the middle of the living room floor just moments after her first big roll. Apparently she wore herself out, because I was sitting next to her doing work on the laptop and looked over to find her sound asleep.
Well, that's all for now. At the rate she's going, I'll probably be able to report that she said her first words by the end of the week. :)