Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why Not?!

I'll call this post "Why Not?!" but really it's just a collection of some fun Schneider-family moments over the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!

*Why not take a little extra time to turn the mango into "Mangopus"?
*Why not use the extra hangers to create a "performance art" - and then sit back and marvel at your masterpiece?
*Why not "repurpose" the plastic rings as bracelets and the teething ring as a matching anklet?
*Why not take advantage of the fact that Josie is at school and spend the whole day sleeping in a box of her toys?

Josie Starts "School"

Carissa's busy class schedule and soccer coaching position on top of Josie's less-than-thrilled-about-other-kids behavior led us to the decision to explore the option of sending Josie to "school" two days a week. Enter "The Gardner School". In the interest of brevity, it's been a big transition. For all of us. Lots of tears. Lots of triumphs. And lots of life lessons. But, now about three weeks later, we've all agreed that it was the right decision. It's a great school with creativity at the center, so she has art class and music and movement. The only rub is that it's in Blue Ash (ironic that we live downtown and commute to the suburbs I know) but a mama does what's she's gotta do, right? I'll be honest, I'm enjoying the extra time with NPR and I go opposite the flow of traffic, so it's alright in the end. And Josie is enjoying it. She regularly talks about her new friends. And said goodnight to a list of them tonight before bed.
Here is the school:
Here is Josie on her first day...in our elevator...wondering why I would take her photo today in the elevator when we've been in it hundreds of other times sans-camera:
And this is a total blur, I know because it's actually a photo of the video monitor in the lobby where worried parents can watch their kids. So, that empty bed is Josie's and that little blanket-covered pile in the right-hand corner is Josie. (I'm pleased to report that this was the first week, but that she now sleeps at school without a problem. I just have to haul in her blanket, pillow, baby, cookie monster, and two favorite books from home.)
Josie in the "enrichment room" where she will take ballet class soon. Yea, I know. Ballet class. Hilarious. (And also where they play when it gets cold.)
And, there is a video. In fact, it's one of my new favorites because I was lucky enough to capture it the night before her first day. BUT...youtube is being a jerk and it's too big to upload to blogger directly and I'm tired of fighting with it. So, in the meantime you'll just have to use your imagination: Somewhere she learned that you have a 'backpack' when you go to school. So she's carrying around the little bag that they gave her when we enrolled. She filled it with the "cuddle friends" she wanted to take with her for naptime. (And that's what she calls them in the video.) And- at the end I ask her "What do they have at school?" and her reply is simply "Friends". (Awww.)