We're officially in WEEK THREE of Josie having a super nasty cough, random hives that come and go, and a nose that runs like a faucet. The doctor's diagnosis is "Daycare" and he's right. We knew it was coming but it doesn't make it any easier - especially on poor Josephine who hasn't slept through the night in over two weeks. (Although now that the ear infection has been diagnosed and she's on antibiotics she's doing much better.) She's definitely on the mend now, but we haven't done too many exciting things lately because we've been trying to give her time to recooperate. So, these are the photos from over the past week or so - just some silly, sweet, and sick moments around the condo. Enjoy! Here's Josie posing with her new "Everyone Poops" book (thanks to her older cousins) and new potty. Like everything else, we're totally letting Josie lead this process. So despite what "everyone says" we "should do" we're just letting her use it when she wants and not use it when she doesn't want. So, we're getting there, but until we have a few days in a row to totally go diaper-free - it's just in the experimental phase at the moment (in case you were wondering). Here is Josie on her sickest day - complete with her feet propped up and her favorite cuddling bears - watching Elmo. (Oh and most of the remaining photos are from my cell phone so please excuse the poor quality!) These are some scenes from "Stuffed Animal Olympics" that Louie & Josie like to play. This is the awards ceremony from the first event. And setting up for the hurdles event - And some carpet bobsledding (complete with a pretty serious rugburn injury on Lou's foot - the things a dad will do for his daughter) -
And a super-sleepy, not-feeling-well Josie who passed out right on Carissa's lap!
So, I finally caved and let Josie play with the markers. And wasn't I lucky to capture this experiment on video?
And here are some photos from all the fun -
Finally - I'll end with this one of Josie passed out during Bengals season opener. If you watched it, you'll agree that sleeping through it would've been better than watching it too. (Sorry Grandma. 15 more games to go! )