Let me start with your daily dose of cute Josie photos - courtesy of her personal stylist - um, I mean nanny.

I can always trust that Josie will return from her morning nap looking adorable and ready to take on the day! (Thanks Carissa.)

Okay - now on to our week - and back to the praises of living in the city. This week's reason: the free public wading pool on the riverfront. Seriously, we take places like this for granted, but we are truly fortunate to have this just a couple of blocks from the house. Technically it's the Concourse Fountain at Sawyer Point - but stick a couple of lifeguard with whistles on the edges and voila - free pool! (It's actually been a "pool" for decades, but I still have to believe that it was a fountain first & they got tired of trying to keep people away so finally just gave in.)

The beauty of this "world's largest baby pool" is that it's only 9 inches deep all the way around. And since it's a fountain by design, there are big waterfalls all along the back wall and several other cool splashy bits. Here we are posing after our
pooltime fun.

Josie was BEAT because she spent about an hour doing this -

Baby Water Aerobics! You know how hard it is to walk through water? Well, this little one had the time of her life doing big laps all around the pool. I'm SO glad she loves the water! Now that we've
discovered this little gem, we will definitely have to make it down to the Fountain-Pool again soon!
Okay, I couldn't leave you without a new blog post all week and then not cap it off with a couple of videos.
I think the first one is pretty funny because it's "so Josie." After spending a small fortune at Babies R Us the other day (come on - I hadn't been there since Josie was one month old), I found these cool "snack trap" cups that bill themselves as perfect for kids because they can eat a snack on their own without spilling. I was so excited that I opened it in the car (we had a long drive from KY to
Kenwood ahead) and filled it full of cheerios. I couldn't wait to see if it really was the miracle product I hoped. And, for about 30 seconds, it was. Josie got one or two cheerios out at a time & smiled ear to ear. And then this happened - clever little thing isn't she?
And - I thought you'd like to "kick it old school" with us for a trip down memory lane. Josie hasn't "
jumperoo'd" in a while, but we decided to raise it to the highest level and give it a whirl. We figured she'd be sort of over it by now - boy were we wrong. ENJOY!