Sunday, July 20, 2008
Ode to Louie...
...Because he spins her around to Hepcat's "Dance with me baby" until she rubs her little eyes. Then, without missing a beat, he continues dancing her through the kitchen, down the hall, and into her bedroom until she is asleep on his shoulder & placed gently to bed for what has already been an hour long nap...
An afternoon of exploration
I consider myself VERY fortunate that I have been able to strike such a good balance between working and mothering. Sure this means that we have to make some sacrifices financially, but only working part time allows me to get to spend every afternoon with Josephine. Each day at 3pm, Carissa leaves & it's playtime for Josie and I. Since it's been brutally hot & humid this past week, we've spent more time indoors that I prefer, but these lazy afternoons in the air conditioning have yielded some surprising results. Josie has gotten increasingly curious about her environment & actually figured out a few new things as I just sat and encouraged her to explore. As I've said before, it's just so amazing to watch her little brain work as she learns new things. Here are a few photos from our afternoon playtimes this week. Before I get into the "learning" photos - here are just a couple of cute ones:
This is her "I'm getting some more teeth Mama" pose:
We'll call this series "Oh - you're taking my picture? I think I'd like to taste that camera":
"I'm almost there, just another inch or two and I can take a big bite..."
"I'm licking my lips just thinking about getting that leather strap in my mouth...":
Actually, sticking her tongue out seems to be the new thing. It may have something to do with all the new teeth coming in or perhaps all the new sounds she is making lately.
So, one of the lessons this week was learning that she can "walk the walker." It just occurred to her one afternoon that it was just as fun to push around the house as it was to ride. She walked this thing all over the condo. Here she is pausing to read the warning label when she got stuck by the elevator. I've actually never read the warning label myself, but I'm pretty sure there's something there about not letting your 11 month old push the thing around at warp speed across bamboo floors, but what can I say? We live on the edge.
Okay, that's all for now. I have a bunch more photos on my other camera from a VERY fun & exciting event from Saturday. (How's that for a teaser?) I will try to get those up mid-week.
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