Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Quick Quotes & Super Smiles

Leave it to Josie to bring the comic relief we needed over the past couple of weeks. Here are a few quick quotes and funny moments. Just for fun, I'm sprinkled in some great pics of our sweet little girl over the last week or so. Just try to get through this post without cracking a smile...

Carissa asked Josie what kind of boyfriend she should look for.  Josie's response: "One that is nice, pays attention, and is beautiful." 

Josie to Lou and I as she stuck a certain feminine hygiene product to the bottoms of her bare feet, "I'm going ice skating."  We obliged and were pretty impressed out how well they worked for "ice skating" across the bamboo floors. When she wins Olympic gold, I'll be sure to tell this story to Bob Costas in our interview.

Lou bought some My Little Ponies off of ebay for Josie and a friend to share. She was busy styling their hair because she said they were going somewhere. When I asked her where she said, "They're going to Pony Whole Foods." 

Josie to me from the backseat when she heard me telling Louie on the phone that I was totally lost: "Don't worry Mommy, you'll find it. Don't give up." 

Josie to me, "Mommy, can I have another smoochy candy?" (It took me a minute to figure out what she wanted was a Hershey's kiss.)
A couple of nights ago I was cuddling Josie before bed and she asked me if I was cold.  I said, "I'm not cold; I'm just cuddling you because I love you."  Then she said, "I love you, too. You're my best friend because you are my mommy." 

Last night, we were reading a book with an American flag in it. Josie pointed to it and said, "There's the Obama flag!"  (I can't tell you how proud I was about that one.)