Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quick Quote

Yesterday Josie and I were playing in her playroom, and this is the conversation that followed:
Me: "Josie, won't it be soooo cool to have your little sister's bedroom right here next to yours?"
Josie: "This isn't a little sister room; this is my playroom."
Me: "Well, we can make a playroom somewhere else and make this her bedroom right by yours."
Josie: "We can make the little sister room somewhere else.  Like in my room."
Me: "Okay, we'll just put her crib right in there with your bed."   
(Sidebar: We've actually had this talk before and really is the way we are leaning for lots of reasons I won't go into now.)
Josie: "She doesn't need a crib. She can sleep right in my bed next to me. Then I won't have to sleep by myself."
(Sidebar #2: She doesn't actually sleep by herself. Ever. She sleeps in between us in what is very quickly becoming a way-too-small queen sized bed.)
Me: "Well, when she's older you can share a bed, but when she's just a baby she will have to sleep in a crib or bassinet. She can't sleep in a big girl bed yet because she could roll right out."
(Sidebar #3: Get ready for the sweetest thing ever...) 
Josie: "She won't roll out. I will keep her safe. I'm the big sister. I will keep her safe right in my arms."