We capped off our winter "staycation" with a trip to the Aquarium. Before too much exploring, it was necessary to get a photo of Josie with the only Santa she would get anywhere near this year. :)

It's funny how the Aquarium's appeal has changed over the last 17 months. When Josephine was teeny tiny, she used to just love looking up from the stroller at the lights and colors. Then, I used to carry her in a sling and she really just enjoyed hanging out on my chest but couldn't care less about her surroundings, and now she is completely engaged in the process like these photos show -
Reaching out to touch what she calls the "fiss" and the "ockpoos" -

Trying to pet the otters -

Saying hi to the turtles -
Breaking her neck to get a good look at the live shark swimming overhead -

And overall just enjoying the whole thing.
We captured this little gem on the car ride home. This is actually the abbreviated version, because I had to cut it down to fit on the blog. Well, let's just say it's clear from this video that even though Josie's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, her favorite word these days is definitely "no". :)