Monday, August 16, 2010

On gratitude & miracles

Our Baby, 11 weeks & 3 days

I've been feeling something lately, even before we found out about the bloodclot on Thursday, and I just have to get it out...

When Lou & I found out we were pregnant, accidentally and miraculously, my first thought was that we did not conceive this baby alone.  I just couldn't help but thinking over these past several weeks that there was more at work here. For the better part of two years now, Lou & I had been trying to have a second child. And as soon as we made our struggle public, as soon as we asked for help, and as soon as we gave up - that's when it happened.  When we lost Camille, there was such an outpouring of support from so many people that we didn't even know cared. We received so many cards, and emails, and messages that we were just overwhelmed with gratitude.

I really couldn't wait to share the news about this baby because ever since that moment I got this positive pregnancy test, I felt like this isn't just our baby.

This baby was conceived out of the wishes, dreams, hopes and prayers of all of you!

This baby is here because so many of you didn't give up hope when Louie and I had.

And because we all worked together to create this little life, I really do believe we can all work together to keep this baby safe.

Please keep those wishes, dreams, hopes and prayers coming. They've created a miracle before and they can do so again!