Thursday, May 29, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
What's not to love about long weekends? Our Memorial Day was perfect! We joined my sister & Michael at my parents' house on Friday night and got to spend the whole weekend together! It was SO nice just to get to hang out together AND to get the extra help with Josie. (We even got to sleep in!!!)
Here are some of the highlights of our weekend. Starting with Josie's absolute favorite thing - her new swing from Granddaddy that he installed on their newly-remodeled deck (that's one talented Grandaddy you've got there Josie). The "Supercruiser" was definitely a huge hit - as you'll see in the next few photos!
She loved it!
And once she learned how to hang on, she could swing even higher. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
You wouldn't think it could get any better for Josie, until Grandma busted out the baby pool. Josie was in heaven. Check her out!
And, after some splashing around, it was time for warming up in the sunshine. I couldn't resist a quick photo of that precious little tushy.
On to the annual Roundtree bash featuring our very own concert by Granddaddy & the Dwellers. That's Granddaddy on the keys, Kevin on the bass, Pat on the drums, and Bill (is a Jedi) on Aretha his beautiful new guitar.
Scratch that - it's Josephine on the drums. We figured she loves banging on the pots & pans with wooden spoons at home so she was bound to love a real drumset. And we were SOOO right. Looks like we've got a little drummer girl on our hands.
Seriously - both hands at once? Two different drums even? And the cymbals?! This kid is a rockstar in the making.
The party at Chrissy & Kevin's house was great! We got to see longtime friends, spend time with family, eat lots of yummy food, etc. And Josie definitely enjoyed being in the middle of all of the action.
Sunday was another exciting day. After all the fun, Josie was definitely in major need of a bath. Here she is in Grandma's kitchen sink. Does it get any cuter than this??
Then we were off to Debbie & Phillip's house for another cookout. Here's Josie being entertained by her favorite Xenia friends - Kalie and Claire. It's so strange because I totally remember when Claire was Josie's age! Time flies!
Josie got to spend lots of time with Aunt Manda and her growing tummy (check out
All in all, it was a perfect holiday weekend!! Oh - before I go - two more random photos to share because they make me laugh.
Here are some of the highlights of our weekend. Starting with Josie's absolute favorite thing - her new swing from Granddaddy that he installed on their newly-remodeled deck (that's one talented Grandaddy you've got there Josie). The "Supercruiser" was definitely a huge hit - as you'll see in the next few photos!
The first is Josie's latest funny habit. We removed the bar across her stroller because it was kind of pointless, but there are these little holes where it used to connect. Now whenever she gets in her stroller, she finds the holes, sticks her fingers in them, and rides around like that all day. Too funny!
I thought you all might enjoy this quick video of Josie zooming around in Claire's walker. Her new favorite thing is chasing around the cat, Carissa, and us. Pretty funny stuff. And, I also think this video is hilarious, because she has now mastered waving without being waved to. If you just say "Hi Josie," she stops what she's doing and waves. It was cracking me up in the walker because she couldn't wave and walk at the same time. Enjoy!
Josephine is definitely enjoying her newly-discovered sense of mobility. And, while we're of course happy for her, our lives have definitely changed. For example, I was sending a quick text message to a friend today and looked down for about 10 seconds. When I looked up, Josie had made her way under my desk and went straight for the wireless router. My goodness! I had to snap one quick photo on my way over there to save the computer. (And I had to take photographic evidence to prove to Louie that we can no longer live in denial about the need to babyproof.)
So, if that first photo was "Exhibit A" then this is definitely "Exhibit B." Now that she is crawling more efficiently (I'll get another video soon) - she has a whole new world of shiny, lit-up knobs and buttons to explore.
Enter "Exhibit C" - after pulling some things off of the shelves, she decided it was time to have her way with the cable and desperately wanted to remove it from the wall. (Oh No!)
So, long story short - Josie wants to crawl everywhere & it's finally time to do something about it. Now that she also has fallen in love with Claire's walker, she wants to walk everywhere. The only problem there is that she can't walk on her own yet, but *really* wants to. This means hours of breaking our backs leading a walking Josie around the house with her holding our index finger. She's definitely ON THE MOVE and there's no looking back now! (Help.)
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