Here are Josie & Lily in their thrones on the edge of our table at The Cheesecake Factory, where they were treated like royalty - complete with "appetizers" of banana pieces and breadsticks (before they even took our drink order). It was so cute! Although you can see they both actually preferred their fingers to the snack from the waiter -
On Thursday, we made our first "hypnozoo" trip with the girls. It's just so funny that our weekly meetings began with all of us sitting in a circle at the Blue Manatee with these little swaddled lumps and we are already taking trips to the zoo to laugh at the animals together (Josie thought the polar bears were hysterical). The babes are just growing up so fast! Here we are in front of the gorilla exhibit. If you look closely in the background, that's the mama and baby gorilla. We all couldn't believe just how similar mothering is for this big gal as it is for each of us. (The baby was crawling all over her, wanted to be held nonstop, and the mom kept looking down and squeezing her "baby belly" - seriously.)
And here's the "Hypnozoo Crew" - Josie/me, Jen/Anna, Alison/Ryan, Angela/Andrew.
And the babes in their strollers - with Josie looking particularly cozy (just before she passed out for almost an hour).
And here's a photo of Josie looking lovely in front of the tulip display (which was gorgeous). When she wasn't busy exploring the grass, I was actually able to snap a few good photos.
Another funny thing about this photo is the fact that there is a photo almost exactly like this except it's Lou & I sitting in front of tulips this exact color for our wedding engagement photos. My how times have changed! :)