Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun around the house

This is what happens when you leave your baby alone with her Dad during bathtime:

And this is what necessitated the bath in the first place. Ladies and gentlemen...I give you Josie's first spaghetti dinner:

You see, Josie has decided that spoons and bowls are for babies and she is a big girl. It's actually a bit of a problem, because she simply does not want to be fed anymore. She wants to feed herself. So - case in point - her delicious jar of Earth's Best Organic Summer Vegetables quickly gave way to a heaping portion of Daddy's spaghetti and meat sauce right on her tray. She loved it! Seriously. Crazy. She sat there and ate hunks of french bread with cream cheese, spaghetti, and pieces of turkey. Unbelievable! So, the pureed food days are numbered (just when I mastered it). Wish us luck as we move into the next phase of food!

And - I should also mention that she drinks out of cups without lids and cups with straws now. In fact, she absolutely cannot get enough of her new Dora sports bottle from Grandma & Granddaddy. I promise to get a picture of that (and Josie with Mrs. Beasley) uploaded very soon!

And - while we're on the topic of food - have I mentioned Josie's addiction to peas on here before? My friend Cat recommended the line of "Just Fruit/Just Veggies" dehydrated snacks & we bought several kinds for Josie. But, nothing tops the peas in her book. I'm not kidding - she's addicted to them. She even had them for breakfast today! They were sitting out on the counter & she kept reaching for them instead of eating her apples & yogurt. So, I handed them over and she ate a huge pile. So funny! I mean peas for breakfast?! Yuck! Anyway, the cutest thing in the world is that she feeds them to me now. She feeds herself one, picks one up and puts it in my mouth, then absolutely cracks up. It's SO cute!

In other adorable Josie news...she's obsessed with the computer. I may even have to sign her up for her very own blog soon (haha). Anyway, as I was typing an email to my sister the other day, Josie finished her lunch and I foolishly thought I could hold her in my lap while I finished the email. Luckily I had the camera nearby to capture the fun that followed:

New Blog Feature

You may notice a new feature in the left column. It's called "Blog Feeds" and it allows everyone (especially us) to see when our family & friends' blogs have been updated. It will readjust itself to keep the most recently updated item on top. :) Cool, huh? We'll keep the original list of blogs posted below it because not all of the baby's sites have feeds. Enjoy!