As you all know, I try to keep this blog about Josephine as much as I can. Maybe the connection between yesterday's presidential election and Josie's life isn't immediately apparent to all of you, but to me it couldn't be more clear. Over the last 15 months of Josie's life so far, I've had moments where I look at her and my heart just breaks to think about the state of the world that Louie & I brought her into. But today, for the first time, I look at her and I feel truly hopeful. Of course Josie isn't old enough now to comprehend what happened last night, but I have no doubt that by the time she is mature enough to understand history that she will be proud of her parents for helping to elect Barack Obama. It was very important to me to take Josephine to the polls yesterday so that I could one day explain to her that she was there with her Mama to cast her vote in the most important election of our lifetimes.
Here is Josie reading her favorite book while waiting in the line (which was about 1.5 hours long)...

And here she is right before I cast my ballot...

Recently, I had a long conversation with my dad about everything he went through in the late 60s with being drafted for Vietnam and everything that this era in America's history entailed. I felt so far removed from the reality of that turbulent time in our history and, while I know it existed, it is hard for me to even comprehend it fully. It's my hope that when Josie looks back on the lives of our generation that she will feel just as far removed from America's long history of racism. Electing Barack Obama was a defining moment for my generation, a moment I will always remember like those who came before me remember Kennedy's assassination or Pearl Harbor. I will be proud to tell Josephine the story of the day our country did what was right - for America, for the World, and for all of the children that will one day inherit it all. And on that day, I have no doubt that she will thank us.