Well, little Josie is three weeks old now and we can hardly believe it. We feel like we're finally starting to get the hang of the basics, although we certainly recognize there's still a lot to learn!
Check out the link to the Shutterfly collection to see the new album which includes some new "firsts" - the first trip to Xenia, first dinner out, first trip to Grandma & Granddad's house, first trip to the park, etc. There are also some photos of Josie's first fancy outfit from her Aunt Amanda - too cute! Josie also went to her first of what will undoubtedly be many parties at the Roundtrees in Xenia (Thanks for the beer Kevin)!
The first photo above are of Josie's "Acid Reflux Face" (lots of gas and spitting up; poor little thing; thank goodness for Gripe Water). It's actually been really hard seeing her feel so uncomfortable after each feeding, but we're getting good at the preventative measures.
The second photo is of the three of us & my mom and dad in Xenia for Josie's first dinner out of the house. I can't tell you how good it was to order off a menu and have someone serve us.
So, week four begins. I can hardly believe she'll hit the one month mark on Saturday. It's unreal!