Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Super-Nanny" and MORE!

As you all know, Carissa has already earned the "Super-Nanny" title, and I don't know what the level is above that, but whatever it is - she reached it when she swooped in to save the day and give Josie her first "real" haircut. I cut Josie's hair about a year ago, but just the sides. Carissa on the other hand did a totally pro-job. And Josie looks adorable! Here are some photos from the big event - which started in a dry bathtub fully-clothed but quickly turned into a full-bath for Josie and Carissa & I with our jeans rolled up and our feet in the water. Oh - I should mention...we took Josie to "Cookie Cutters" for a proper haircut, but she *flipped out* and wouldn't let the lady near here. I figured she was just going to have crazy, uneven hair forever. Thank goodness for Carissa. [Really Sis-Sis, you are too good to be true.]
As you can see, Josie even had fun!


Catherine said...

Good to read that Ronan isn't the only kid who hates having their hair cut by professionals. Ronan totally flipped out at "Next Generation" and I had to unfortunately hold him down while she trimmed his hair and he screamed, "ALL DONE!! ALL DONE NOW!" Yeah. Good times.

Anonymous said...

what a great idea to cut the hair in the bath tub. Laurie