Saturday, September 26, 2009

Autumn Improv

Fall is my favorite. I love the crunch of the leaves. And the smell of it all. And the cooler days. All of it. One of the images I've always envisioned is raking and playing in the leaves with my kids. So, this week I've been a little depressed because Autumn has arrived, another season has passed, and we are *still* in our condo... desperately yard-less. So, I'm moving on now to hopes of building a snowman with Josie in the frontyard I really, really, really hope to have this Winter and trying to bring a little Autumn into the house to compensate. Out of nowhere this afternoon, we found ourselves on the couch - each with scissors in hand, cutting fall leaves out of construction paper. (Josie saw us cutting and went to her play-doh box to get her plastic scissors, then situated herself between us and "cut" her own leaves.) Minutes later, we had leaves of all shapes & sizes and sang & danced, pretending to toss, rake, and jump in the leaves.

A little improv goes a long way! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great way to bring fall indoors. Only you Carri, would come up with that clever idea. THe next time we need leaves for a project I know who I am calling. They look awesome. Laurie