Saturday, September 26, 2009

Artist At Work

Josie is starting to get more used to the idea of getting messy, and frankly we've decided to quit limiting our fun just because the condo is for sale. This has added up to lots more artwork around the house. (Which reminds me...I've gotta get a photo of her new "gallery" posted soon!) Here are some photos of the budding artist at work - creating one masterpiece at a time. ;)
This is a "pig". We play a game where I draw a circle and she turns it into something. I drew the circle and she did everything else. See the ears, body and black "snout"?
This was another "quick, where's the camera?" moment...she was coaching "Baby Stella" through how to use the markers.

It really is amazing how children model what they see and know. It seems like just yesterday that I was holding Josie's hand showing her how to make marks on the easel paper, and here she is repeating the process with her doll. Too sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The painted pig is great. I really am glad you were able to capture Josie helping her doll paint. How sweet is that. Laurie.