Monday, September 27, 2010

Some phone favorites

We are loving our new Droid phones. Among the many great things about it, the ability to easily snap and upload pics to the blog.  Here are a few of my phone favorites from over the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!

We'll call this one "Proof that Josie is 3" -
 One morning at Lunken Park -

 I love that Lou gets just as excited to run to the swings as Josie does -

 The outfits she comes up with are my absolute favorite -
 Two of my favorite pictures of her ever -

 Can't you just hear the giggle?

 Important for two reasons: 1. Josie is part frog  2. She has been referring to Lunken Park as "The Pig & The Whale" since she started talking.  This is the pig that gives the park its name. 
 Posing (no kidding, she calls this posing) -
 And, one morning, way too close to the TV. She rode her trike all the way across the room pulling the scooter beside her. When I asked her what she was doing... Her reply: "Me & my trike want to watch TV. The trike wanted me to bring her cousin the scooter."
Josie & her long-time friend Ellie going on a bus ride at the Museum Center
 Josie, in a mechanic's coat, seriously focused on some tools -
 Making our "coughing cookies" on Saturday (preschool = constant cough = germy cookie batter = "coughing cookies")

 Amazing how much two pillows, one blanket, a bunch of polly pockets & a Word World marathon can do to cure a cold -
 Little girl - big smile! (Her teacher even told me that she has such a hard time getting a picture of Josie with her eyes open because she smiles so big her eyes inevitably close.)
 Posing (again) - she insisted on the flower for the finishing touch!  (Thanks grandma for the cool yard decor!)
 Here's one of Josie's pictures from school. She's getting really good at writing her name.  Lucky for her, she's got a nickname & isn't stuck learning "Josephine."
Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOOOHHHH Thanks for sharing, I love all these photos. The first one with her tongue out, cracks me up, I can only imagine. Laurie