Thursday, March 4, 2010

Visit with Grandma & DD

Last weekend Lou & I had two parties in the same night (gasp!) and Josie was begging for a trip to her grandparents to see her new Mickey Mouse dry erase marker table, so the stars were aligned.  Each time Josie gets better and better about spending the night away from us, and this was the first time that I really noticed that we said we were leaving and she was like, "Okay...bye!"  It was great.  The other big surprise was that we didn't have a drop of snow on the ground in Cincinnati, but their house in Xenia had been hammered. A couple of quick trips to Goodwill and a consignment shop and Josie had secured the last snowsuit, coat and boots for sale in all of Greene County. We headed home and Josie joined her Granddaddy (ahem, the Master Plasterer) with all of his plastering tools to build the mega-snowman in the front yard.  Special thanks to Grandma for capturing this special afternoon!
As if the snowman weren't enough excitement for one visit, Grandma had other plans. In fact, Grandma and Josie had already planned earlier in the week by phone that they were going shopping at the mall on Saturday. Josie had it in her head the Grandma was going to buy her shorts, so we're all glad that Grandma came through.  Here's a spring preview of Josie in her first pair of shorts for the year (4T-crazy!) and her very first pair of high-tops. Check her out!
Thanks Grandma & DD for a great weekend for Josie and an evening out with friends and full night's sleep for us!


Anonymous said...

We had a great time together. She danced around the house all day and into the evening I knew she was having fun and happy. Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

At times watching the little Be-Bop clone just makes the length of time that has passed, 30+ years seems like yesterday. Its so easy by watching Josie to easily conjure up those moments and memories that Little Carri Anne brought so much joy into your Mother and my life. We are all so lucky to have that little JOSIE to enlighten our lives. Love DD

FourAustins said...

Those hightops are the BEST :) Okay and how sweet was DD's comment - awwwwww! Tear!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are great. Josie is a very lucky little girl to have such wonderful grandaparents, and Carri your very lucky to have such wonderful parents. Laurie