Monday, November 9, 2009

That's a wrap, October.

Well, another month has come and gone. Here are the last photos of October 2009.  Enjoy!

Josie is increasingly opinionated about what she wears.  Here she is with Carissa after helping to pick out her clothes. The last picture with the really wide mouth is her response to "Smile big Josie."  Gotta love it!

This is the other night. I told her she could wear whatever she wanted to dinner at Dewey's and here is the outfit she put together (she's kinda obsessed with tights at the moment). I love her "Punky Brewster" sense of style - right down to the rainbow hair barrettes. 
The more colors the better! ;)

Welcome to November! Boy did we start it off with a bang. Last night about 10pm we returned home from one of the most perfect weekends on record after spending the weekend visiting good friends in Madison, Wisconsin.  I promise that seeing those photos are going to be worth the wait. And I do hope to start getting them up tonight!  Until then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable, I remember Kendra dressing like Punky Brewster, and loved it.