Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Forgot to mention...

Another quote...
Josie to my parents from behind the wheel of her DD's 54 Chevy: "I'm driving to see Lylabird!"

And, I can't believe I failed to mention that Josie has created an alter-ego.  She regularly & enthusiastically refers to herself as...brace yourself..."Ruby!"  My personal favorite is when she does something sillly, let's say stands on her head, and then looks at us and says "What is Ruby doing?" :)


Kelly Robbe said...

Ruby sounds a lot more fun than my alter ego! :)

Evelyn said...

That is so funny! Kinley had one too named baba??? Think of my reaction when she screamed one day while I was shutting the van door. I freaked out then said what is wrong? She replied "You just shut the door on baba"s finger!" Lol I sure miss those days!