Friday, October 23, 2009


Well, it happened. Today Josie went over to her easel and pulled out some letters and spelled her favorite word. She plays with the letters on it all the time (and as you can also her magnet of little baby Isla and President Obama), but today she surprised me by saying "Mommy, I spelled Zoo." Honestly, I didn't exactly run over their to see it because I was talking to my mom on the phone and I figured it was just a "z" or an "o" or two. But, would you believe I walked over there and this is what I found? Wow. She really did spell zoo.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH Josie, now Carri next time you are going to have to run over there, so you can share the wonderful news with grandma right then and there. She is one smart little girl. Laurie