Friday, October 23, 2009

Josie's World

These are just a few scenes that I captured over the past week or so that give us all a little peek into "Josie's World." Things like this always make me giggle, so I hope you find the humor in them too.
This is Baby Stella - taking a nap - face down (because that's how Josie sleeps)...

Here are the dolls later - sleeping with their markers - for whatever reason.

 Here is Josie with one of her many lines of toys. She lined them up littlest to biggest while Lou & I were watching football then stood at the end (because she's the biggest of them all). As you can see, she was very proud.

This is Josie's latest facial expression. We have no idea where it came from or how it started, but she makes this face all the time.

Here we find Josie situated on a stool with her milk waiting for the banana muffins to finish cooking.  Now that's patience.

And this is Josie's "what big eyes you have" face which begs the question - how will I ever say "no" to these big baby blues?

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With this post, I think we're officially caught up on everything that happened before we went to Chicago for Lyla's birthday. I hope to have highlights of that weekend posted soon! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable. She does have alot of patience what a trait to have at this young age. Laurie