Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One more thing about the 4th

I'll post some more recent photos soon (both of my cameras are back in action) but I had to just share one quick detail from our big Fourth of July weekend...

Josie HATED the fireworks. They scared the heck out of her. We went to our friends' house for the Madeira parade & fireworks on Thursday. When the fireworks started, she buried her head in my chest and kept pointing back to the house and our car repeating "Over there Mommy, Over there Mommy". To this day, if you say the word "Fireworks" to her she says "Fireworks be LOUD...Very scary scary." And, she has woken up on more than one occasion and repeated the same phrase. Poor little thing. I think she's honestly having nightmares about them.

Josie was also scared to death of the Shriner cars. Almost two weeks later, she still says "Orange and Red...Mans go fast...Mans be loud."

Needless to say, she was a little traumatized, but as you have seen in the posts below about the remainder of our holiday weekend, everything turned out just fine!


Anonymous said...

Bless her heart.

Charissa Talsma said...

Violet didn't like them when she was that age either. Ben had to cover her ears--she watched, but she HATED the sound. This year, she was a little less terrified, but still didn't like the noise too much. She LOVED sparklers, though!

FourAustins said...

Mom was telling me about that - poor thing!!! That is sad...I think I could shed a tear thinking about it:(