Monday, September 8, 2008

Our little Rockstar!

Special report: Today was Josephine's first music class. We signed up for "Tiny Tunes" at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. It's so cute. The age group is 0-18 months and there are seven little sweeties in the class. Josie is the second-oldest, so it was so cute to see her with the wee ones. The class is mostly just interactive singing and dancing with the babies and their moms/dads. It's already very clear that this class will yield some lasting memories. :)


FourAustins said...

How fun - I can just see it now - Josie will be instructing the little kids on how to play their instruments and even better - I can't wait to hear her singing voice!!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute is this. Where's the picture, don't keep me in suspense. Laurie

William said...

Let me know when she is ready for the first guitar lesson.

Charissa Talsma said...

Again you make a music teacher proud! That's so exciting, and I'm sure it will be lots of fun! It will also prepare Josie for when other little ones come along!!