Sunday, September 7, 2008

Josie's sweet new skills

Although she wasn't in the best mood during the taping of this video, she cooperated enough for us to capture some of her newly-acquired skills -

And, although we aren't considering it completely official just yet, Josie is "pretty much" walking. Here are a couple of still photos of the excitement -with a video coming soon. (The one I took and planned to upload has some kind of "internal error" - argh!)
Even cuter than these early steps are the pauses to stand and "dance" - hilarious.
This is more about Carissa's skill than Josie's but it's pretty exciting that Josie's hair is now long enough to do the "Pebbles" look with one ponytail on top.
And almost as good as the ponytail is the aftermath. Checkout of Josie's mohawk!
Okay, promise to get a walking video up soon. Here she comes, so I gotta run.....


Anonymous said...

Video states internal error try again later. Love the Pebbles hair. Keep the pictures coming. Laurie

Anonymous said...

She is so darn CUTE. I was able to play the video this time, how sweet. You both are GREAT parents. Laurie

FourAustins said...

Oh my - look at her go! I miss Josie - how is it possible that she has changed that much in one week:(