Wednesday, September 3, 2008

In Josie news...

Josie has been walking in small bursts around the house - the record so far came last night with six unprovoked steps. She was holding on to the chair and then turned and walked over to me in the middle of the room - laughing the whole way of course. She also took several steps several times back and forth between Louie & I this evening. So, in typical Josie fashion, she totally knows how to walk but will only do it when she feels like it. (Are you at all surprised?)
Josie has also gotten another tooth (bottom right) and that little bugger (top left) has *finally* broken the skin. So, she is quickly moving from five to seven teeth. There are several more just below the surface, so please say a prayer to the 'teething gods' for us that they don't cause too much late-night strife in the coming weeks.
One other super adorable thing Josie is now doing is saying "Woof, Woof" at the sight of any dog in person, on TV, or in a book. It's really cute. Not sure yet whether or not to actually count this as her first word (beyond Mama & Dada of course) but there is no doubt that this is what she is saying.
If you're wondering why we haven't captured any of these newly acquired skills & tricks on video just yet it's because Josie has become absolutely obsessed with the camera. Anytime I get it out she immediately drops what she is doing & heads straight for it. (Putting it away also led to her first official temper tantrum yesterday - stomping feet and all - which is news I am not happy to report.) Anyway, I will continue to try to capture these elusive moments for you as the week goes on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It won't be long before she is walking all over. Laurie