Thursday, July 31, 2008
Another week in paradise...
I can always trust that Josie will return from her morning nap looking adorable and ready to take on the day! (Thanks Carissa.)Okay - now on to our week - and back to the praises of living in the city. This week's reason: the free public wading pool on the riverfront. Seriously, we take places like this for granted, but we are truly fortunate to have this just a couple of blocks from the house. Technically it's the Concourse Fountain at Sawyer Point - but stick a couple of lifeguard with whistles on the edges and voila - free pool! (It's actually been a "pool" for decades, but I still have to believe that it was a fountain first & they got tired of trying to keep people away so finally just gave in.) The beauty of this "world's largest baby pool" is that it's only 9 inches deep all the way around. And since it's a fountain by design, there are big waterfalls all along the back wall and several other cool splashy bits. Here we are posing after our pooltime fun.
Josie was BEAT because she spent about an hour doing this -
Baby Water Aerobics! You know how hard it is to walk through water? Well, this little one had the time of her life doing big laps all around the pool. I'm SO glad she loves the water! Now that we've discovered this little gem, we will definitely have to make it down to the Fountain-Pool again soon!
Okay, I couldn't leave you without a new blog post all week and then not cap it off with a couple of videos.
I think the first one is pretty funny because it's "so Josie." After spending a small fortune at Babies R Us the other day (come on - I hadn't been there since Josie was one month old), I found these cool "snack trap" cups that bill themselves as perfect for kids because they can eat a snack on their own without spilling. I was so excited that I opened it in the car (we had a long drive from KY to Kenwood ahead) and filled it full of cheerios. I couldn't wait to see if it really was the miracle product I hoped. And, for about 30 seconds, it was. Josie got one or two cheerios out at a time & smiled ear to ear. And then this happened - clever little thing isn't she?
And - I thought you'd like to "kick it old school" with us for a trip down memory lane. Josie hasn't "jumperoo'd" in a while, but we decided to raise it to the highest level and give it a whirl. We figured she'd be sort of over it by now - boy were we wrong. ENJOY!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Won't you ride in my little red wagon...
Here are a few more wagon photos, because I couldn't resist. Something about her "pumpkin" shirt and the Radio Flyer is very "fall festival" but I love it... (Can't you just smell the apple cider?)And leave it to Josie to kick it up a notch. Just when we thought watching her ride around the house was as funny as it could get, she decided to completely lay back and relax...
Do you think she's comfortable?
And today added her sippy cup to the mix...
So, I'm sure there are many more wagon photos to come over the years. We've yet to take her outside in it, but that promises to be quite an adventure. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a few photos of her looking adorable around the house...
Check out the great tshirt I scored at Walgreens of all places -
Is there any chance I will ever be able to say "no" to those big blue eyes?
Okay, gotta get back to work but there's lots more to come tomorrow. Have a great week everybody!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Happy First Birthday Hypnobabies!
The party was great! We reserved the new Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center - which was ideal. Here's our perfect cake:
We even had a gift exchange where the babies got to go to the center of the room and pick their own gifts. This was kind of a cool moment because Josie was opening her very first birthday present. She *loves* her new wooden elephant pull toy and pop-up book (thanks Milo)! And - the babies even had their very own cupcakes. Although, I'm surprised to report that Josie wasn't that into it. We got a quick photo but then she went on to playing. We'll try again at her first birthday party.
You all know Josie loves being around other babies and children, so she spent most of the evening looking in wonder at her surroundings. Here she is looking up at some balloons. (She SO has her daddy's eyes!)And, I must say, even though the party had lots to offer - these chairs were Josie's favorite. She spent the better part of the evening pushing these things around the center.
See what I mean?
She & Milo even played "bumper cars" for quite awhile. It was too cute. And no one even got hurt.And of course I had to capture this on video. This just further proves that babies don't need toys - they're able to turn anything into a good time. Go Josie Go!
Overall, the party was great. It was a little bittersweet for me knowing that the first year is drawing to a close. It's so strange that we were all chasing toddlers around the room and talking about weaning when it wasn't long ago that we were sitting at the Blue Manatee with tiny swaddled little munchkins learning from each other about breastfeeding. I feel so blessed to have such a strong circle of support & I can't say enough about how much these women mean to me. Plus - it's really cool that Josie is growing up alongside so many fun little friends.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
More fun around the house
And, I had to share a couple of funny moments. This one, in particular, cracks me up. I guess it also impresses me because for a long time, Josephine just played with shoes. But, something clicked yesterday and she thought "Oh, these go on feet...Let me try."
This went on for quite awhile, so I had to get a video. I actually had a longer one where she successfully gets the flipflop on one foot & then proudly and with sheer determination, goes for the second, but it's too large to upload. You get the idea with this one...
Here's another one to make you smile. Persistence is definitely Josie's strong suit. I am not exaggerating when I say she did this about 100 times. I finally decided to film it. But, as you can see at the end, she was getting so winded that I had to force her to take a break. We'll call this video "The (little) bear went over the mountain (again and again and again)."
I'll end with two little bits of fun news:
1) Louie & I wanted to get Josie a "Radio Flyer" wagon for her first birthday and actually ended up finding a totally old school "Town and Country"- completely wooden with the rubber wheels and all from this 90 year old woman who listed it on Craigslist for $50! (She was so cute! She told us that she had no idea how to use the internet or a digital camera, but that she asked God to teach her how to use them & he showed her the way. I love that Josie's "little red wagon" comes with such a sweet story - other than we went down to Walmart and bought one).
2) Louie & I decided to "play hooky" yesterday and go to the 12:30 Red's game. It was a beautiful day, we saw a couple of home runs & Dunn hit a Grand Slam. The Reds won by a mile, and the funniest thing was that Louie & I were on the jumbotron "kiss cam." SOO funny! When we got home, some people from our building called and said they were so excited because they never had seen anyone they knew on the big screen. Thank goodness Louie's office knew where he was, because he definitely would've been busted! You can see the photo they took of us as we entered at this link: Reds FanFoto.
A weekend with friends
Thanks so much to Carrie & Bob for a delicious summertime meal. Josie loved the strawberries and chicken. But, her favorite of all was her first ear of corn. (Thanks to Ciara as well for recommending this as a potential favorite.) Could she be any happier?
She was having so much fun with it that I thought a video was definitely in order. Enjoy!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Ode to Louie...
An afternoon of exploration
"I'm licking my lips just thinking about getting that leather strap in my mouth...":
Actually, sticking her tongue out seems to be the new thing. It may have something to do with all the new teeth coming in or perhaps all the new sounds she is making lately.
So, one of the lessons this week was learning that she can "walk the walker." It just occurred to her one afternoon that it was just as fun to push around the house as it was to ride. She walked this thing all over the condo. Here she is pausing to read the warning label when she got stuck by the elevator. I've actually never read the warning label myself, but I'm pretty sure there's something there about not letting your 11 month old push the thing around at warp speed across bamboo floors, but what can I say? We live on the edge.
Okay, on to what we call "Naked Dinner." After the famed incident with the beets, we learned our lesson. Some meals require nothing but a diaper. One of them - blueberries. So, the other night we stripped her down with the intent of a first course of blueberries followed by a pasta dinner (also a huge mess). But, she got so into the blueberries that she never made it to the pasta. I'm not kidding, save a few at the bottom, she ate the whole container! Here she is just getting started:
And here she is approaching the end. There were lots and lots of photos in between these two, so I think her expression is equal parts "OMG, I'm going to burst if I eat one more berry" and "What's the big deal lady? I'm just eating. Put down the stinkin' camera!"
Here are some of the photos of Josie learning new things. The big leap this week involved spatial understanding. She mastered the concepts of Under, Over, In, and Out. Here she is putting things under the chair and then returning to get them. She would go back and forth between "hiding" things under the sofa, ottoman, and chair and then go back to retrieve them (always so proud when she found them again). And here is a video of her new favorite game in the entire world. We call it "In & Out" but "Fill & Spill" would be just as appropriate. I'm not kidding, if I kept track of the cumulative time each day that she spent putting things in and out of either this container or one of her buckets, it would definitely be measured in hours not minutes.
Okay, that's all for now. I have a bunch more photos on my other camera from a VERY fun & exciting event from Saturday. (How's that for a teaser?) I will try to get those up mid-week.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A weekend in the "Second City"
Fast forward to July... Josie did great on the car trip to Chi-town (thanks to trusty friend Elizabeth Mitchell & our White Noise CD), but when we arrived (about 10pm) she was ready to party! Here she is "winding down" with Aunt Manda in the chair from heaven (more on that later) - Here she is saying "Hey Auntie-M, Hop-on-Pop is the craziest story I've ever heard!"
And here she is finally giving in to the gentle rocking motion of the chair from heaven (which we will be purchasing a replica of in the very near future) -
After a bit of a crazy night, the three of us slept in, then we had a delicious homecooked breakfast (Thanks Michael) and Josie spent the better part of the day cruising around Chez Austin in her walker, munching happily on whatever we put in the tray. Her grandma would be very proud to know that the only time she really stopped was when a football highlights reel set to "The Nutcracker" played on the flatscreen. She was absolutely mesmerized!
After getting ourselves in gear, we all headed out in the Murano for some fun baby shopping at some cute boutiques (in I think Bucktown or maybe Wicker Park) and then hung out in this great park where Josie enjoyed the swings and watching the other kids:
The next day was more of the same - good times hanging out day-dreaming about Baby Austin & chatting about how quickly Josie has grown. Here is Josie in her favorite naptime pose with one of Baby A's new toys:
After another busy day capped off with some delicious gelato (and you'll just have to trust me that Josie made the funniest face she has ever made in her life when she tasted it), it was time to head home. Here is Josie passed out in her carseat. It's a little blurry because I took it in the mirror. Consider this the evidence that a good time was had by all:
Thanks Manda & Michael for being such great hosts! We can't wait to spend lots more family time together & can't wait to watch you push Baby Austin on the swing one day soon....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
There she goes
As you know, I've been trying to get a video uploaded of Josephine pushing her Alligator Toy for weeks now. I've had so much trouble, so I finally just shot this one quickly a few minutes ago so you could get the idea. Enjoy!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Summer in the City
Living downtown, we spend a lot of time on Fountain Square. There's always something going on - rather that be live music, the farmer's market, a game being broadcast on the Jumbotron, etc. We usually walk over there a couple of nights each week. Josie has loved watching the fountain since she was a wee little one & the other night was one of those moments when I realized just how much she has grown. She used to just sit in her stroller and stare at the water. Now, she laughs at the pigeons, points at the horses pulling the carriages, claps her hands to the music, and insists on being walked around and splashing in the water. This is one of those videos that might not mean as much to all of you as it means to me. But, from my view, it will always represent our first summer in the city with Josephine. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A different kind of anniversary
So, pretty funny that we were getting a "night out" and we spent the majority of it talking about and winning prizes for Josephine. It was definitely a different kind of anniversary, and one to remember. :)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Two Quick Updates
2) Josie has started to "sign back" and use her favorite sign that we've taught her - the sign for "milk." Now that she's officially communicating using sign language, we'll start to teach her more. :)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
More from the holiday weekend...
So, we spent Friday & Saturday at Grandma & Granddaddy's house - not just for the sparklers performance and general quality time with the fam, but also for a quick trip to see Aunt Manda & Uncle Mike up the road. Since the weather was nasty, we got to hang out all day in our pajamas and teach Josephine some new tricks. And - after only a couple of days practice - here is Josie with her latest crowdpleaser - "SOOOOO BIG!"
And here she is showing Bella that she is "SOOOO BIG!"
And here she is showing us her "SOOO BIG AND SCARY" face....
I promise to get a "SO BIG" video uploaded soon. If I'm lucky she'll also do her patented trifecta that she invented herself which starts with a clap, moves into "SO BIG", and ends with her hands waving "BYE-BYE" from the "SO BIG" pose. Too funny!
I thought I'd include these next photos for two reasons. First, in case an older version of Josephine ever tries to tell us she doesn't like peas, I want to have pictoral evidence that she used to eat them like candy. Secondly, I think this series of photos is funny because it clearly shows a beginning, middle, and end.
Beginning: Grandma hands Josie her own plate of peas -
Middle - Josie happily eats the peas from her plate -
End - Josie sits in a puddle of peas & prefers eating the ones straight off the floor in favor of the ones on the towel or the plate. (Yummy.)
And while we're dining with Josie - I thought you might enjoy these two photos of Josie sharing her watermelon with a furry friend...
She's been feeding me for awhile now & apparently that translated to feeding Bella. They totally had a little plan worked out where Josie dropped scraps of chicken breast and potatoes on the floor or right into Bella's mouth. (And the next day when we were home she tried to feed a very uninterested Venus a handful of Cheerios.)
Here are a couple of photos from my mom's camera that I had to share. First is Josie in the Bengal's hat (Who Dey!) and just look at all those teeth!
And checking "me" out.
There really is quite a resemblance. We'll have to find a photo of "Baby Louie" to introduce her to soon.