Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quick Quote

Yesterday Josie and I were playing in her playroom, and this is the conversation that followed:
Me: "Josie, won't it be soooo cool to have your little sister's bedroom right here next to yours?"
Josie: "This isn't a little sister room; this is my playroom."
Me: "Well, we can make a playroom somewhere else and make this her bedroom right by yours."
Josie: "We can make the little sister room somewhere else.  Like in my room."
Me: "Okay, we'll just put her crib right in there with your bed."   
(Sidebar: We've actually had this talk before and really is the way we are leaning for lots of reasons I won't go into now.)
Josie: "She doesn't need a crib. She can sleep right in my bed next to me. Then I won't have to sleep by myself."
(Sidebar #2: She doesn't actually sleep by herself. Ever. She sleeps in between us in what is very quickly becoming a way-too-small queen sized bed.)
Me: "Well, when she's older you can share a bed, but when she's just a baby she will have to sleep in a crib or bassinet. She can't sleep in a big girl bed yet because she could roll right out."
(Sidebar #3: Get ready for the sweetest thing ever...) 
Josie: "She won't roll out. I will keep her safe. I'm the big sister. I will keep her safe right in my arms."


Anonymous said...

How precious is that. She will be a wonderful BIG sister, I can't wait for all the pictures and stories. Laurie

Catherine said...

OMG, that totally choked me up. So, are they going to share rooms? Ahhh, that would be so sweet. I always wanted a sister, share a room with her, share and talk and stay up and be friends with. *sigh. Josie (and her baby sister to be) is so lucky!

Uncle Bruce and Aunt Sue said...

OHOHOHOH!!!!!! That is SO sweet!!!!! Continuing to pray for all of you and Baby Bunny too!!!!!!!

FourAustins said...

There sure is a reason why we have always called her...Sweet Josie :)

Melissa said...

Love it! Josie is so sweet :) Gonna belly cast this big belly this weekend...I'll send a pic!

carrie schmitt said...

that is the sweetest thing ever. i'm so glad you wrote it down to remember forever. and your sweet little baby will love this story someday too.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't surprise me one bit she said that. She likes to protect everything even spiders:) Love mom

Nick and Kelly Robbe said...

AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Big sisters are the best!!! Until they drag you behind the chair and cut you some wicked bangs that you didn't know you wanted! So sorry Missy! I am sure Posie will never do that to Bunny!