Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Tonight is "Christmas Eve" at the Schneider House.  Santa will be here tonight to drop off Josie's first round of presents that we'll open in the morning before heading to Xenia for another round of Christmas Eve and Christmas with Grandma, DD, Tia, Tio, Lyla & Jack.

Here are some of the festivities from our Christmas Eve!

This is the letter Josie had me write to Santa. Verbatim. I giggled the whole way through it.

Here is Josie making a picture "for Santa to hang on the wall of his North Pole bedroom."
The finished product - complete with traced "Santa" at the bottom. She was worried that he wouldn't be able to read it if she wrote it herself. (I think she was trying to impress him, which is adorable.)
 Making this year's batch of "Glitter Oats" for the reindeer. We almost forgot to make them and when Josie reminded us, she ran a loop around the house declaring "Josie Saved Christmas!!!"

 Sprinkling & spreading the oats around the yard...
 And now, my favorite thing! Of course Josie wanted to leave cookies and milk for Santa. She has been collecting bits of left over cookies and treats all week and leaving them out on a plate overnight "because Santa likes his cookies crunchy like toast." So tonight, we talked about setting the cookies & milk on the kitchen table. We set out one plate and one cup. Then, Josie took over. About ten minutes later, she had set up a plate and cup for Santa & Mrs. Claus and 9 other cups set up for the reindeer. Each cup was filled with chocolate milk (we did help with that) & she broke the cookies in pieces so each guest would have a piece.
Josie truly has the sweetest and most generous heart. Don't get me wrong - she's *thrilled* about getting presents for Christmas, but I *adore* the moments when she demonstrates to us that it's not all about her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is priceless, I hope Santa, Mrs. Claus and all the reindeers had enough milk and cookies. Is that sweet or what. I can't wait to hear about Christmas. I love the letter, how sweet and adorable. I hope you got your coffee and Lou his cookie. Laurie