Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Takes Two & Three

Way back at the beginning of the month, we started off the Halloween season with a trip to the zoo - where Josie wore her first of four Halloween costumes for 2010.  As you know, Josie had lots of interesting ideas for costumes (veggie burger, parking meter, microwave, salsa, mop, windmill, nectarine, doorknob) but she ended up settling for some more traditional ideas (thankfully). She had two more opportunities for dressing up at her two best friends' Halloween parties. She was a princess for the first and a fairy for the second. Here she is with several of her school friends at the two parties.  (All this & it wasn't even Trick or Treat yet!)

 Oh, I should probably mention (before you all think I'm nuts) that we didn't buy Josie four Halloween costumes.  With the exception of the actual trick or treat costume (that came from ebay), she already had the rest of these things in her dress-up stash.

And can I just say that we are beyond-thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful school family.  It's so incredible to think Josie will grow and learn alongside these same kids from now until she's 9! (Three cheers for montessori education!)


Nick and Kelly Robbe said...

Love her Parisian Princess costume! She decorated the crown and wand so beautifully! :)

Anonymous said...

Love these photos. Laurie