Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-ch changes

Big changes are coming to the Schneider house. I think I'm starting to get used to the idea that I'm actually having a baby. (Just yesterday a woman asked me when my baby was due & my first thought was - "Oh, you can tell I'm pregnant? This early?" And then I remembered I was 25 weeks.)

In typical Schneider-family fashion, we've taken on way too much at once. So, we have a house full of painters, a piece of furniture being built for the entry, our dining room table on Craigslist, oh and and we're actively hunting for a full dining room set to replace said table since we're hosting Thanksgiving next week.

Add to that the big deadline I have for tomorrow at work, the fact that Josie and I are still coughing two weeks after initially getting sick, oh - and bedrest - and needless to say, things are bananas around here. Oddly enough, it's an exciting and not stressful kind of bananas so we're holding up just fine.

Goodness gracious - I forgot to mention we're having some trees removed this weekend.

I will definitely post before & after pics of the paint job. So far, it's an unbelievably improvement!!!!!

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