Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Take One

We kicked off Halloween this year with a trip to the zoo's Halloween festival.  The crazy thing about it this year was that it was hot, hot, hot.  Luckily, we got there early and Josie had Makayla & Ava to keep her busy.  It was a great afternoon & a fun way to kick-off the season.  Josie wore her first of what will be a total of three costumes. She decided to be a veterinarian since we were going to the zoo. And it was the perfect costume to buy because she can play dress-up with it well beyond Halloween. Here are some of our favorite pictures from HallZOOween.


Anonymous said...

how cute is she. Laurie

Suzie, Michelle and Makayla said...

love the pics. can you send me some so i can post them on my blog too (since i forgot the camera) thanks!