Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Baby Update

This morning we had our regular monthly pre-natal appointment. As usual, we were nervous.  I know, I know we have to just relax and enjoy this pregnancy but it's hard to do when even the doctor is anxious.  Lou, Dr. Scott & I have been through so much together that the full weight of our history factors into each appointment. Remember: the last time I saw Scott I was hysterically crying about the blood clot and threatened miscarriage that we saw on the ultrasound.  His last words to me were "Do me a favor...please stay pregnant."

Fast forward three weeks and there I am in his office...still pregnant!  So, when he walked in and said "How's it going, preggo?" That meant a lot to all of us.  He was also really happy to hear I was still so sick.  (At least one of us is happy about that.)  And then, the moment of truth.  He said, "I'll wait to launch into all the standard questions until we get this part out of the way." He grabbed the Doppler, laid me down, and started checking for the baby's heartbeat.  Those are the seconds that feel like hours. I'm not kidding - all three of us were holding our breath.  And then, there it was...bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp....145 bpm!  Three audible exhales and one big "congratulations" and we've successfully crossed another hurdle.

With that, he made his prediction that "I think you have your boy."  In a couple of weeks, we'll know if he's right.  We went through all the rest of a standard appointment, with the agreement that the three of us would finally feel completely comfortable after the 20 week ultrasound.  Overall, we feel really good about everything. We have another ultrasound in two weeks. I can't wait to see our little one again soon!


Anonymous said...

Carri & Lou congrats, glad things are looking great. Laurie

Catherine said...

Awesome update! xo

Uncle Bruce and Aunt Sue said...

Yep, that's what I've said all along.....I refer to the baby as "he". Just happy, boy or girl that he/she is healthy!!!!!!!! Continuing to pray for a strong, healthy, happy baby and calm Dad and Mom:)GREAT news!!!!