Monday, August 9, 2010

Spinning plates!

Hi all, I feel a little like one of those old-timey plate-spinners at the moment. I'm completely overwhelmed at work! The class I'm facilitating for UC right now is exhausting! We're in the middle of Josie's birthday week! Lou's traveling a lot for his job! My sister is in early labor! Josie starts school in a couple of weeks! My car lease is getting ready to expire & I have no idea what's next! We have tickets for two Phish shows at the end of the week & I have no idea how we're going to pull them off!  There are still an insane number of projects that need completed around the house!  And, add to all that the fact that I'm trying to keep all the plates going while simultaneously trying not to barf and living under the influence of some pretty strong meds.
It all just feels like a little too much at the moment.
Soooo.... while I'm busy treading water over here (or having a "poor me" moment as my sister would call it), just be a little extra patient with me.
On to happier things - 
* Josie's birthday party was awesome (not without insane amounts of stress since the original location of our party had to change the night before!) but awesome nonetheless. I promise to put those pictures up soon.
* Kelly's Mother Blessing was Sunday and we had so much fun doing her belly cast & henna tummy. I'll post a couple of those here, too.  (As a sidebar: let me just say that one of the first things I got excited about when I found out I was pregnant again was having another Blessingway!)

So, stay tuned...


carrie schmitt said...

Sorry you are feeling overwhelmed, but I love your new "things I learned this far." I think it is my favorite---believe in miracles. Definitely!

Nick and Kelly Robbe said...

Can't wait to celebrate with you again!! Much love for an awesome Mother Blessing!!!

Catherine said...

((hug)) Sorry to hear it's so stressful right now. It'll fly by! So much excitement right now!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Carri, Laurie