Wednesday, April 7, 2010

There's no place like home....There's no place like home...

Everyone please join us for a big collective Hip Hip Hooray!!! After a good year-and-a-half of trying, we are finally UNDER CONTRACT!  In just 23 days, we will no longer own our downtown condo. It's certainly been a memorable five years, and while we are very excited about the sale (finally), we are sure that there will be lots of tears the day we leave. So, let the great house hunt begin!!  We love it here, but we're ready to find our new home and start the next phase of our lives.  Wish us luck!

[For those of you who tend to be a little more pragmatic, it might interest you to know that we don't actually have to move April 30th.  While we close that day and turn over the condo to its new owner, he has graciously offered to lease the condo back to us on a weekly basis until we find our new home.  Whew!]


FourAustins said...

Hip Hip Hooray!!! Time to pop the champange bottle - this calls for a celebration!!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS Carri and Lou, I am so happy for you. I hope you are able to find a house that you both love. Laurie