Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Quick Quote

Carissa was just talking to Josie about Tia having a baby and giving Josie a new cousin.  Here's the conversation that followed:

Carissa: Do you want Tia to have a little boy cousin or a little girl cousin?
Josie: "I want her to have a baby tiger. A big tiger. A big tiger cousin. With a twin giraffe cousin. And a zebra cousin.  I want Tia to have animal cousins for me."

Good luck with that one Tia. ;)


FourAustins said...

Oh dear - this may be the first time I deny a "Josie request" - but I'll try speaking to the zoo gods to see what they can do :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Tia you have a big request on hand there. good luck. Laurie