Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow Daze!

Well, we had our first arctic blast of the white stuff and while Josie was thrilled all week long, I spent most of the time praying for spring! We did manage to make it out of the house once last week for Spanish class on Wednesday, but I was like a second grader with a snow day when I saw our Friday class was canceled.  Maybe it's the former teacher in me, but there's nothing quite like a snow day - or in our case - a snow week.  Carissa was still in NY for her XU break so I got to spend my third week without work and with Josie! It was so much fun, and I am *dreading* going back tomorrow.  Yep, it will be like going from zero to sixty in seconds.  I spent this week in pajamas making blanket forts and playing dress-up and will go back to being a grown-up with two jobs again in about 10 hours.  (Did I mention I started back at UC again, facilitating online masters courses?)  Anyway, here's to the kind of snow that makes you spend a week inside (and the pictures to prove it)...
The new ballerina costume...

For reasons I don't feel like I need to explain, we made a "snow cave" and "snow mountain" out of white sheets instead of going outside for the real stuff(Which will happen soon, but not when I'm flying solo!) Here's Josie playing "The bear went over the mountain..."

Later that day, Josie gave Pooh a makeover. He was totally decked out - right down to the purse and matching princess high heels.  My favorite part was after a good solid fifteen minutes or so of putting together this ensemble, she added the purse and said to herself, "Good, now he's all set."

...Then she asked me to take his picture with her on top of her "snow mountain". She clearly has this blog thing figured out!

Going in for a smooch...she was quite pleased with her handiwork!

Venus makes herself at home in our "snow cave" (and later leaves us a pretty nasty surprise in there)...

And, I'll leave you with this video which absolutely cracks me up.  We may have a future Oscar-award winning actress on our hands. Check out the drama! Clearly, she *really, really* enjoyed this watermelon! Watermelon is her favorite, and I explained to her weeks ago that you can't find watermelon in the winter. Then Grandma magically produced one and here is the result.  LOL! (This was also just before naptime, which is also pretty obvious!) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the video, oh my goodness, the eyes closed just enjoying the taste of watermelon. How cute is that. I love how you made the snow caves, and the bear all dressed up. CUTE. Laurie