Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween @ The Aquarium

So the combination of Josie's serious peanut allergy and our lack of a trick-or-treating kinda neighborhood means that we must seek out alternate ways to celebrate Halloween. Today we started by visiting the Aquarium.  They have a lot of Halloween-themed activities and even set up a little pumpkin patch. Here are some photos from today's trip - which I should mention - also happened because we had two showings on our condo.  That's right, it's still for sale. But, it won't be for long! We've decided that if it doesn't sell by the end of our contract (in two weeks), we are taking it off the market and seeking out renters. So, one way or another, we will get our house...and our yard...and our neighborhood...and friends who will come to play because they don't have to pay for parking...and leafpiles...and snowmen...and all that we are dreaming of.  Now, back to the aquarium. 
Sure, there was a little "yea, yea, yea - I've seen the otters before..." but mostly she was all smiles (with a few yawns).

It's great because Josie discovers something new everytime we go. This time, it was the jellyfish that piqued her interest.
As you can see, after a trip to the bookstore, Josie was wiped out. I love this photo - Louie & Josie on the bench waiting for the bus to take us all back over the river, enjoying a good book after a great morning. What a nice way to kickoff a week of Halloween!

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