Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Girl and her toys

Ya know, I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are just some things that are "hard-wired" according to gender.  We've made a real effort to have all varieties of toys available to her and to never assign things as "for girls" or "for boys". But, at the end of the day, Josie really is more into things like dolls, dressing up, etc than we expected. It's so fun watching her with her dolls (which I vow to diversify with something aside from yellow-haired ones ASAP because it's even more obvious seeing it now on film).  She sings to them, reads to them, cuddles them and tells them everything she knows.  It really makes me ache for the day that she will have a sibling to sing to, read to, and cuddle. (Trust me, we're trying!) In the meantime, here are some photos and videos of Josie with her dolls and the dolls at the Children's Museum. Enjoy!

Here is Josie reading to her dolls. She set this whole thing up as I watched...and filmed.  One doll in a stroller, one in the highchair and another on the floor.

And here is Josie trying out her first BMW. Daddy start saving now, she wants a real one in 14 years.


FourAustins said...

SO SO sweet - the end of the patty-cake video where she picks her doll up ever so delicately and puts her in her lap...SO SWEET!!!

Anonymous said...

Carri, these are adorable. Thanks for sharing all these events and milestones with us. It is so true on how we are wired. Laurie