Thursday, June 11, 2009

VIP treatment at the zoo

Last Friday was "Member's Night" at the Cincinnati Zoo. Although I wish they would've done a better job of promoting it (we almost missed it), it was a great night. Josie had a very good time getting to know some of the animals up close and personal.

There were friends of the cute, tiny, fuzzy variety (have you ever seen anything more adorable than a 9 month old wallaby)...

There were friends of the big and furry variety (aptly dubbed "Mr. Cheetah and Mr. Rhino" by Josie)...And there were friends of the not-so-cute and not-so-fuzzy variety, like these giant mantises (is that a word) and this huge snake...
Once again, we were impressed by Josie's bravery (although she was a little leery of the snake) and she really does love animals!
The zoo also had lots of other fun activities - like the carousel (her first one since SanFran all those months ago)...
And this great mural that allowed Josie to "make her mark"...
I will say though, that the funniest thing to happen (although a close second was Josie chasing the peacocks screaming "Come Here Peacock!") was Josie doing her impromptu cockatoo impression. If you've ever been to Cincy Zoo, you know they have them just hanging out in a tree. This one was particularly 'squawky' so Josie decided to chime in. Here's Josie in her debut as a cockatoo (and the real thing in the background, plus the giggles of passers-by). Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how cute is that. Laurie