Monday, March 30, 2009

Rain, rain, go away...or not

Saturday was one of those days where we started off whining that we were stuck inside, but ended up having so much fun just hanging out together that we decided to just keep on playing once we realized the sun had come out. We decided to watch all of the Josie home movies from birth to her first birthday. So, with that as the backdrop, we kicked off the rainy day festivities with our first experience making homemade playdough (recipe here, super easy & fun). We made a pretty fantastic octopus, had fun making our handprints and footprints, and wrapped things up by making our own playdough slide for little balls to roll down because Josie insisted we make a park. Here are a couple of photos and a quick video of Josie saying "playdough" in the cute little way that only she can...


Anonymous said...

I love it. She is so darn cute and samrt. Laurie

Uncle Bruce and Aunt Sue said...

Peeeeedo - don't you love it!!! You almost don't want to correct them when they say the cutest things!!! She is changing so much. Can't believe it!