* Recognizes all her capital letters and some lowercase letters
* Says all the letters in order A-Z
* Counts to 10 on her own (although she thinks she can count to 20 but she skips from 12 to 18)
* Knows her shapes - rectangle, square, circle, triangle, star, heart, moon
* Knows all her colors
* Does the hand motions to all the classics - Itsy, Bitsy Spider / Pat-a-cake / Etc
* Sing along with her favorite songs from music class & on CD
* Talks non-stop (especially pointing and naming things - "Blue Bus, Brown Dog, Green Shirt...")
* Strings words together to make sentences ("Josie Do It", "Swing Mama", "Eat Berries")
* Loves drawing/coloring/writing and gets totally occupied with all of her books
* Can identify tons of animals and knows who lives where - i.e. if you ask her what to draw in the fish tank she'll tell you octopus, sea star, fish, crab, and many of the characters from the books she reads like "Pout Pout Fish" for example)
* Calls people she knows by name, including friends, family, etc
* Loves to play games with us like "Hide the bear" and wait for us to find it
Okay, that's all I can think of off the top of my head. In other "developmental news" - check this out - for those of you who have ever been to our condo - get ready to let out a huge "UH-OH!"
That's right loyal readers, Josie can officially push our elevator button on her own. OH NO! (Note for those of you who have never been here, it is in our dining room.) This is - ummm- not good to put it lightly. If ever we needed any more reason to sell this place and get a house, this is it. It's not like Josie is ever unsupervised long enough that she'd get very far before we realized she was missing, but the thought of the elevator door opening and closing on her (because her little body often doesn't trip the trigger to stay open) is terribly frightening! So, everyone send your collective condo-selling-vibes our way.
Ut oh is right - but I think I may have a solution. Go to Home Depot...they have those clear boxes with a key (most often used to cover thermostats in office bldgs to prevent people from adjusting the tempature). It may be a hassle to open it with a key everytime you use the elevator but better than worrying about J getting crushed :)
Three Austins has the right idea, dad uses them on the thermostats in the homes so the staff can't change the temp. Love mom.... I can just see her getting inside and pushing the button to go to the basement and the door opens and she doesn't know where she is Not a good site
She is one very smart little girl. I agree with the clear box thing, because the little ones can be so fast. Laurie
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