Well, let's see, not much has happened since my last post. We've pretty much been snowed in for the past week after two pretty massive winter blasts. And on top of the storms, it's been sub-zero cold, so we've been spending a lot of time in the house...and I mean a lot. In fact, just a few minutes ago, Louie pointed out that the diaper bag has been sitting in the same spot for about a week & if the diaper bag hasn't moved, well that's just not a good sign. I'm actually a little ashamed to admit that it was just this exact instant that I put together the fact that Josie's been a bit of a handful lately with the realization that this is probably because she's going absolutely stir crazy. Yep, cabin fever at it's best. Thank heavens there's a big thaw in the forecast. We've gotta get out!
Now that I think about it, a couple of things did happen since my last post. For one, I had a birthday. Thanks so much to everyone for the cards, emails, and well wishes. I have such wonderful friends & family. The big blog-worthy birthday news revolves around my new portrait lens that Louie got me. I love it! Hopefully you'll see why in these next two photos. Viola - instant professional photographer...

Actually, these aren't the best two photos I've ever taken, but you can see how clean the images are compared to my small digital. I'm really looking forward to taking some more photos soon. I haven't taken many this past week because Josie took a nasty spill off the couch and had some pretty nasty
rugburn on her lip and nose. I'll say this now so when we can all look back in 20 years and say I was right - there's a good chance Josie has a future in either Cirque
du Soleil or mountain climbing. She's a total daredevil & not afraid of anything. This particular injury took place when she tried to balance on top of a ball while standing on the couch. She also has a new
past-time of trying to see what she can balance herself on top of - her favorite is the stacking blocks from grandma & grandaddy.
Here are a couple of other random moments from this past week. Here's Josie playing with her reflection in the trash can (really, why do we bother buying toys). It was hilarious because she just kept pointing and waving to herself and going "Josie...Josie". Actually, that sounds more like "Jo-C" to those of you who haven't heard it yet. So cute.

Here's Jo-C reading to a couple of her bears. She is very much into role playing like this - reading to her bears and dolls, dressing them in clothes, putting them in diapers, wrapping them in blankets & patting their backs while saying "night-night". She has such an active imagination and it's so much fun to watch that develop.

Oh - speaking of J's imagination - here's a quick video of her feeding a yummy breakfast of
Haba balls to her bear. Just check out how proud she is of herself...
We'll call this next one "Evidence of Cabin Fever". You know you need to get out of the house when you get out the "hair pretties" and start taking pictures of yourselves. Josie thought it was hilarious that we had matching hair & made me show her each picture as soon as I took it.

This photo actually predates the big storm, but I had to post it as further evidence of just how much of a girl Josie is. I'm telling you - it's biology. Here she is unpacking the Children's Place bag of all of her new clothes (what a sale!!!). She literally brought me each thing and said "On, On". We had to try on every single bit of clothing - including 4 long sleeve t-shirts that were identical except different colors. She marched around in her new clothes mixing and matching outfits. Thank goodness her shoes were back in her bedroom or I imagine we would've had to match them up to each outfit as well. Seen here is Josie in her first pair of real jeans - pockets and all - which she loves to fill with her favorite things - usually a handful of magnetic letters. Too funny!

Finally, I'll leave you with this video of Josie riding on her elephant. You can get a little hint of her daredevil nature in this video as well. I'm telling you, the child lives on the edge. Never a dull moment....
I'll spare you the video of Josie dipping "oven fries" in ketchup because I doubt you will find it as adorable & hilarious as Louie and I did. I guess it was just one of those moments where we were like, "Man, it seems like she was just breastfeeding yesterday & now she's asking for ketchup for her fries?!?!"
Hope everyone's doing well...