Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hanging with her homies

In addition to our weekly playtime and music class at the Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center, we also usually get together one other afternoon each week with our mama/baby friends. The Children's Museum has been a favorite spot lately with this frigid Cincy weather. It's such a great spot for the kids to run around and explore.
Here are Josie, Andrew, and Aoife doing some important work in the sandbox.Here is Josie being a total stinker. She was, of course, eating the sand. And this is her testing me by sticking out her tongue and slowly approaching another taste just to see if the rules had changed. Gotta love toddlers. ;)Here's Andrew taking the girls on a bus ride while Ang, Ciara, and I spiritedly sang "The Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round".
And Josie taking Aoife for a spin. I'm not sure if you can tell in the small version of the photo, but this is a good example of the way Josie sticks out her tongue when she's really concentrating or trying to do something that's really hard for her. It makes me smile. Here are Aoife and Josie playing Legos. This was just moments before Josie decided that all of these blocks and animass belonged to her, evidenced by the fact that she screamed "NO" and swatted at an unsuspecting little boy & tried to push a tiny girl named Charlotte out of the little red chair.
And, Aoife trying to convince Josie to go down the slide all by herself, which didn't work. But maybe next time...
And a little hugfest in the tower...

We are very excited to share some happy news about Aoife... on Saturday she became a big sister when her mama Ciara gave birth to little Sophie. Congratulations to the whole family! We can't wait to spend time with your growing family. In fact, fellow hypnomama Jen also had a new baby girl over the weekend. WOW!
Here is Josie getting very up-close and personal with the fish...so up-close and personal in fact that she left a big wet lip print on the glass.And finally - one of the joys of city living - Josie is very familiar with the sound that a firetruck makes...

Josie is so fortunate to have little friends to play with, and I am so fortunate to have big friends to play with, too! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute cute pictures, I love them all. Laurie