Now - back to the food. Did I mention it was delicious? So you know how you feel after too much turkey... I think this face captures it pretty well? (Look closely to see the mac & cheese all over her cheeks.) This little lady was stuffed!
But, she learned a very important lesson on Thursday matter how full you are, there's always room for dessert. (Thanks Earl!)
Here are some photos we took in Earl & Patti's lovely yard. We were hoping for something Christmas-card-worthy but my 35mm was majorly acting up so the photos wound-up being very over-exposed. (Sidenote: we checked our warranty on Friday & found out that Monday was the last day of the warranty, ran down to FedEx to ship it back to Canon, and long story short - voila - a fixed camera arrived today. Hooray!) So, nothing worthy of the Christmas card, but definitely a few worthy of the blog.

And here she is with Grandma & Grandpa Schneider just before the big event!
They lit the 60-footer & then had a big surprise fireworks display. To say that Josie was absolutely captivated would be an understatement. She was utterly and completely in awe of them!

Here's a video... and yes, that's Josie squealing excitedly in the background. :)
So, Thanksgiving was a success and it was only Thursday!!
Now, onto the rest of the weekend's festivities. We set aside Friday for the Schneider-side of the family and had a very tasty Indian dinner in the early evening. It was one of those nights where everything just fell into place perfectly. We beat the crowd at Akash, had a delicious meal, then finished up just in time to walk past the annual tree lighting on Fountain Square on our way home. We got to the square just in time for the big reveal that Nick Lachey was the one in the Santa suit. Here is Josephine all bundled up in her Cincinnati-winter-best.
On Saturday we headed up to Xenia to see my long-lost PJ before he headed home to FLA, meet baby Makayla, and stop by a party at our friends Bill & Alicia's house. Ladies and Makayla - what a doll! Big congrats to Suzie & Kenny! 
Here's a photo from the final moments of our Thanksgiving weekend festivities - just before leaving Bill & Alicia's house to head home on Saturday night. Thanks for having us guys! It was great to see you! 
1 comment:
"Let's Find Koa" must be a popular book on the islands as my parents came back with the same book for Violet! It's one of her favorites that she now reads herself.
Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving--I love the full tummy and macaroni and cheese picture!
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