Monday, August 25, 2008

A visit from Grandma

With Carissa in training camp gearing up for Xavier's soccer season over the last two weeks, we were left scrambling for childcare. It ended up working out with two fill-ins (Carissa's friend Mary who has filled in before & British Nanny Helen who works for Lou's boss) but my mom also volunteered to come down and help. And, it's no surprise, Josie & Grandma had a great time together.
But first - I just had to share this quick photo taken from the window of the KnowledgeWorks conference room where I had a meeting on Wednesday. Ha - that's our condo building right there on the left - the orange one. I told you all I worked close to the office. How's that for a short commute?
Josie was in top form while my mom was here. Her personality was shining brightly and she kept us both laughing all day. The funniest moment by far was when Josie was awake in the bed playing between Louie and I on Thursday morning. My mom came to get her so that Louie and I could sleep in a little longer. As soon as she saw Grandma coming, she quickly laid down and pretended to be asleep. We all cracked up! That Josie!

Once she did finally get out of bed, Grandma gave her her first braids. Ooooh - pretty!
And I still don't know how she did it...
After some walking and some shopping (thanks Grandma for the cute new outfit and onesies) and lunch with Mama, we headed back to the house where Josie cracked us up again! That little stinker used her new orange chair to climb up on the ottoman and then the couch. And when she got to the couch, she spread her arms and legs out wide like "ahhhh...." We of course cracked up. Here she is climbing back down so she can do the whole thing again.And here are Grandma and Josie on the couch together - and Mama from behind the lens with one hand on the camera and one handing preventing Josie from face-planting onto the floor. I'm telling you - that little girl of ours is totally fearless!

Thanks Mom for volunteering to help out. And thanks also to Grandma Phyllis who was going to help out last week before we found Helen. We are truly blessed to have so much support!


FourAustins said...

Awwwww...happy tear ;)

Anonymous said...

The pic of Josie with Grandma behind her is just priceless! Seriously Car- what you can do with one hand holding a camera!