Friday, June 6, 2008

A Trip to "Hot Doc's" Office

Josie's 9 month appt was yesterday. She had two shots and a finger stick. She was a brave little lady for all three. Her hemoglobin levels were excellent - which made us happy because iron in breastfed babies can be a problem. Lucky for Josie, she loves her leafy greens so she's doing just fine in that dept. And she only cried for a few seconds after her shots. Our doctor continues to be very supportive of our decision to follow Dr. Sears alternate vaccination schedule. He also told us that he has decided to delay MMR until 15 months for all of his patients. I'm glad he is so open-minded.

Here are Josie's 9 month stats:

WEIGHT - 21 pounds (80th percentile)
HEIGHT - 29 inches (80th percentile)
WEIGHT-for-HEIGHT - 50% (which means she's the "right" weight for her height)

Overall - we've all noticed that she is slimming down - probably because she's on the move now. She's definitely gotten taller. Her legs are also crazy-long! (She is wearing 18 month sized pants & 12 month sized tops.)

We feel so fortunate to have such a healthy, happy baby! :)


Anonymous said...

She has her mom's long legs. Not her grandma's short ones :) Love Grandma

FourAustins said...

btw - what does "Hot Doc" mean...does it mean what I think it means:) I feel so out of the loop?!?!?!